vue选项卡,实现上一步,下一步,双向随时切换 ,及单向穿梭框
<template><div id="box"><div id="leftBox"><div id="leftContainer"><span @click="shouHideClick" style="display: inline-block;float: right;cursor: pointer;"><img style="
<template> <div id="box"> <div id="leftBox"> <div id="leftContainer"> <span @click="shouHideClick" style="display: inline-block;float: right;cursor: pointer;"> <img style="width:24px; background: lightskyblue;" :src="imgSrc"> <!--<img src="/img/ztgl/vehicleMonitoring/function3.png">--> </span> <ul id="leftUl"> <li> <div class="arrow" v-if="Index == 1" ></div><div class="marginLeft" :class="{active : Index == 1}" @click="changeNav(1)">选择类型</div> </li> <li> <div class="arrow" v-if="Index == 2" ></div> <div class="marginLeft" :class="{active : Index == 2}" @click="changeNav(2)">货物规则</div> </li> <li> <div class="arrow" v-if="Index == 3" ></div><div class="marginLeft" :class="{active : Index == 3}" @click="changeNav(3)">选择容器</div> </li> <li> <div class="arrow" v-if="Index == 4" ></div><div class="marginLeft" :class="{active : Index == 4}" @click="changeNav(4)">设置参数</div> </li> <li> <div class="arrow" v-if="Index == 5" ></div><div class="marginLeft" :class="{active : Index == 5}" @click="changeNav(5)">确定求解</div> </li> <li> <div class="arrow" v-if="Index == 6" ></div><div class="marginLeft" :class="{active : Index == 6}" @click="changeNav(6)">查看结果</div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div id="rightBox"> <div id="rightContainer" > <ul> <li> <div v-if="Index == 1" style="padding-left: 140px;"> <ul v-for="(item,index) in goodsList" :key ="item.index" style="padding-bottom: 10px" @click='handleChangeColor(index)'> <li class="smallBox" :class="{changeColor:key===index}"> <div> <img class="rightImg" :src="item.img"> </div> <div class="rightBox" > <p class="smallTitle" >{{item.title}}</p> <p class="rightDescription" >{{item.dec1}}</p> <p class="rightDescription">{{item.dec2}}</p> </div> </li> </ul> <div> <el-form ref="form" v-model="form" label-width="80px"> <el-form-item label="备注说明"> <el-input v-model="form.explain"></el-input> </el-form-item> </el-form> </div> <div style="position: absolute;bottom:15px;margin-left: 25%;"> <el-button type="primary" size="medium" @click="changeNav(2)">下一步 货物</el-button> </div> </div> </li> <li style="padding-top: 10px;"> <div v-if="Index == 2" class="line" style="margin-left: -15px;"> <template> <el-radio-group v-model="goodsFrom" @change="radioChange"> <el-radio :label="1">录入货物明细和数量</el-radio> <el-radio :label="2" >所有的货物按比例(套装货物算一种)</el-radio> <el-radio :label="3" :disabled = 'radioDisable'>一部分货物数量固定 其他类型的能装多少算多少</el-radio> </el-radio-group> </template> <div> <div style="margin-left: 120px;position: absolute;display: flex;"> <el-upload action="/api/jcda/goods/import" :show-file-list="showFile" :on-error="uploadError" :on-success="uploadSuccess" :headers="uploadHeader" :file-list="fileList"> <el-dropdown placement="bottom-start"> <el-button type="success" size="medium" icon="el-icon-upload2" plain >导入<i class="el-icon-arrow-down el-icon--right"></i> </el-button> <el-dropdown-menu slot="dropdown"> <el-dropdown-item @click.native="handleExportTemplate" style="padding: 5px 10px;text-align: center">模板下载</el-dropdown-item> </el-dropdown-menu> </el-dropdown> </el-upload> <div style="float: left;margin-left: 10px;"> <el-button size="medium" type="info" plain @click="handleChoose">选择已保存的数据</el-button> <el-button size="medium" type="success" @click="handlePackageGoods" :disabled = 'isPackageDisabled' plain>生成套装</el-button> <el-button size="medium" type="danger" @click="handleDeleteGoods" plain>批量删除</el-button> </div> </div> <edit-table :openIsDisabled = "isDisabled" id="editTable" style="display: block;" v-model="goodsitem" :tableHeader="goodPlug" @handleSelectionChange="handleSelectionChange"> <template slot-scope="scope" slot="menu"> <el-link type="danger" @click.native="delRow('goodsitem',scope.row)">删除</el-link> </template> <template slot="isFixQty" slot-scope="scope"> <el-select v-model="scope.row.isFixQty"> <el-option v-for="item in itemList" :key="" :label="" :value="" ></el-option> </el-select> </template> </edit-table> </div> <div style="position: absolute;bottom: 15px;margin-left: 22%;"> <el-button type="primary" size="medium" @click="changeNav(1)">上一步 选择类型</el-button> <el-button type="primary" size="medium" @click="changeNav(3)">下一步 选择容器</el-button> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div v-if="Index == 3" class="line"> <p class="rightDescription"> 备注:如果容器数量为0,容器数量由系统根据算法确定,非0则说该容器最多能使用的数量 </p> <div style="display: flex;padding-top: 10px;"> <div style="color: #3c4353;font-weight: 400">被选容器</div> <div style="padding-left:255px;color: #3c4353;font-weight: 400">已选容器</div> </div> <div style="display: flex;padding:5px 20px 20px 0px;"> <div class="leftTransferBox" > <div v-for="(item,i) in containerList" :key ="item.i" style="padding:5px 15px 5px 15px" @click='handleChangeContainer(i)'> <div :class="{changeColor:cantainerKey===i}" style="padding: 10px 15px 10px 35px;border: 1px solid #d9d9d9;">{{}}</div> </div> </div> <div style="width: 80px;display: flex;flex-direction: column;padding: 15px;line-height: 180px; "> <div> <el-button @click="changeLeft" type="primary" plain icon="el-icon-arrow-right" size="medium"></el-button></div> <!--<div> <el-button @click="changeRight" type="primary" plain icon="el-icon-arrow-left" size="medium"></el-button></div>--> </div> <div class="rightTransferBox" style="padding: 10px;"> <avue-crud ref="crud" :option="myOption" :data="containerItem" > <template slot-scope="scope" slot="menu"> <el-button icon="el-icon-delete" size="small" @click="handleDelete(scope.row)">删除</el-button> </template> </avue-crud> </div> </div> <div style="position: absolute;bottom: 15px;margin-left: 22%;"> <el-button type="primary" size="medium" @click="changeNav(2)">上一步 货物规则</el-button> <el-button type="primary" size="medium" @click="changeNav(4)">下一步 设置</el-button> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div v-if="Index == 4" class="line"> <div> <p class="rightDescription" style="font-size: 15px;">堆码方式(相同装卸口相同货物相邻摆放)</p> </div> <div> <avue-form ref="form" v-model="parama" :option="paramaOption"> <template slot-scope="scope" slot="lengthWay"> <div> <el-input-number v-model="parama.lengthWay" placeholder="请输入长度方向" :min="0"></el-input-number> </div> </template> <template slot-scope="scope" slot="widthWay"> <div> <el-input-number v-model="parama.widthWay" placeholder="请输入宽度方向" :min="0"></el-input-number> </div> </template> <template slot-scope="scope" slot="heightWay"> <div> <el-input-number v-model="parama.heightWay" placeholder="请输入高度方向" :min="0"></el-input-number> </div> </template> <template slot-scope="scope" slot="lengthType"> <div> <el-input-number v-model="parama.lengthType" placeholder="请输入长度方式" :min="0"></el-input-number> </div> </template> <template slot-scope="scope" slot="widthType"> <div> <el-input-number v-model="parama.widthType" placeholder="请输入宽度方式" :min="0"></el-input-number> </div> </template> <template slot-scope="scope" slot="heightType"> <div> <el-input-number v-model="parama.heightType" placeholder="请输入顶部" :min="0"></el-input-number> </div> </template> </avue-form> </div> <div style="position: absolute;bottom: 15px; margin-left: 22%;"> <el-button type="primary" size="medium" @click="changeNav(3)">上一步 选择容器</el-button> <el-button type="primary" size="medium" @click="changeNav(5)">下一步 确定求解</el-button> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div v-if="Index == 5" class="line"> <div> <avue-form ref="form" v-model="solution" :option="solutionOption"> <template slot-scope="scope" slot="lengthWay"> <div> <el-input-number :disabled="true" v-model="solution.lengthWay" placeholder="请输入长度方向" :min="0"></el-input-number> </div> </template> <template slot-scope="scope" slot="widthWay"> <div> <el-input-number :disabled="true" v-model="solution.widthWay" placeholder="请输入宽度方向" :min="0"></el-input-number> </div> </template> <template slot-scope="scope" slot="heightWay"> <div> <el-input-number :disabled="true" v-model="solution.heightWay" placeholder="请输入高度方向" :min="0"></el-input-number> </div> </template> <template slot-scope="scope" slot="lengthType"> <div> <el-input-number :disabled="true" v-model="solution.lengthType" placeholder="请输入长度方式" :min="0"></el-input-number> </div> </template> <template slot-scope="scope" slot="widthType"> <div> <el-input-number :disabled="true" v-model="solution.widthType" placeholder="请输入宽度方式" :min="0"></el-input-number> </div> </template> <template slot-scope="scope" slot="heightType"> <div> <el-input-number :disabled="true" v-model="solution.heightType" placeholder="请输入顶部" :min="0"></el-input-number> </div> </template> <template slot-scope="scope" slot="goodListDetail"> <avue-crud style="width: 100%;" ref="crud" :option="solutionOptionList" :data="solutionData" > </avue-crud> </template> </avue-form> </div> <div style="position: absolute;bottom: 15px; margin-left: 22%;"> <el-button type="primary" size="medium" @click="changeNav(4)">上一步 设置参数</el-button> <el-button type="primary" size="medium" @click="matlabCalculation()" v-loading.fullscreen.lock="fullscreenLoading" element-loading-background="rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)" element-loading-text="后台求解中">后台求解</el-button> <el-button type="primary" size="medium" @click="changeNav(6)" :disabled="changeNav6" >下一步 查看结果</el-button> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div v-if="Index == 6" class="line"> <div style="width: 100%; padding: 0 20px; line-height: 50px;font-weight: 400;border: 1px solid #e9e9e9; height: 50px;background: #ffffcc;"> <p> 总柜数:2 总装载率:29.73% 总柜型数:20GP*2 货物总箱数:4 </p> </div> <div style="display: flex; margin-top: 5px;"> <div class="leftResult"> <!--<test :title='title'></test>--> </div> <div class="rightResult"> <el-tree :data="treeData" :default-expand-all="true" :props="defaultProps" ></el-tree> </div> </div> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </template> <script> import editTable from '@/views/bussiness/components/editTable'; import {uploadHead} from '@/util/auth'; // import {exportTemplate} from "@/api/jcda/goods"; // import {getContainer,matlabCalculation} from "@/api/result/steps"; var DIC = { VAILD: [{ label: '当空间没有利用时,可以平铺', value: 'true' }], StackingMode: [{ label: '相同的货物可以堆叠', value: 1 }, { label: '接触面相同尺寸的货物可以堆叠', value: 2 }], StackingLayer:[ { label: '相同的货物算层数', value: 1 }, { label: '所有的货物算层数', value:2 }, ] } export default { name: "steps", components: { editTable // ,test,packageGoods,goodsList }, data() { return { Index: 1, isDisabled:false, fileList: [], imgSrc:"/img/images2/down-1.png", isSaveMessage:'fromSteps', radioDisable:false, isPackageDisabled:false, showFile:false, itemList:[ { id:'1', name:'固定' }, { id:'2', name:'动态' } ], uploadHeader:uploadHead(), formTitle:'生成套装货物', myTitle:'选择已保存的货物', form:{}, //-1 选择类型时,默认不选中 key:-1, cantainerKey:-1, num:1, goodsFrom: 1, solution:{}, packageGoodsData:[], multipleSelection:[], packageGoodsGuid:'', dialogFlagToUp: false, showGoodsList:false, cjKind:{}, fullscreenLoading:false, changeNav6:true, solutionOption:{ emptyBtn: false, submitBtn: false, column: [ { label: "装箱模式", prop: "containerWay", span: 24, // labelWidth:170, disabled:true, type:'input', }, { label: "货物清单", prop: "goodListDetail", // labelWidth:170, span: 24, formslot: true, }, { label: "选择柜型", prop: "containerType", span: 24, disabled:true, type:'input', // labelWidth:170, }, { label: "是否平铺", prop: "pingpu", span: 24, disabled:true, type: "checkbox", // labelWidth:170, dicData: DIC.VAILD, }, { label: "堆叠层数设置(包含本层)", prop: "stackingLayer", span: 24, disabled:true, type:'radio', labelWidth:190, dicData: DIC.StackingLayer, }, ], group:[ { icon:'el-icon-s-unfold', label: '摆放间隙设置', prop: 'group1', column: [ { label: "长度方向(CM)", prop: "lengthWay", disabled:true, formslot:true, labelWidth:120, span: 8, }, { label: "宽度方向(CM)", prop: "widthWay", disabled:true, formslot:true, labelWidth:120, span: 8, }, { label: "高度方向(CM)", disabled:true, formslot:true, labelWidth:120, prop: "heightWay", span: 8, },] },{ icon:'el-icon-box', label: '容器壁间隙', prop: 'group2', column: [ { label: "长度方式(CM)", prop: "lengthType", labelWidth:120, disabled:true, formslot:true, span: 8, }, { label: "高度方式(CM)", prop: "widthType", span: 8, labelWidth:120, disabled:true, formslot:true, }, { label: "顶部(CM)", prop: "heightType", labelWidth:120, formslot:true, disabled:true, span: 8, },] } ] }, parama:{}, paramaOption:{ emptyBtn: false, submitBtn: false, column: [ { label: "堆放方式", prop: "stackingMode", span: 24, labelWidth:200, type:'radio', dicData: DIC.StackingMode, }, { label: "是否平铺?", prop: "pingpu", span: 24, labelWidth:200, type: "checkbox", dicData: DIC.VAILD, }, { label: "堆叠层数设置(包含本层)", prop: "stackingLayer", span: 24, type:'radio', labelWidth:200, dicData: DIC.StackingLayer, }, ], group:[ { icon:'el-icon-s-unfold', label: '摆放间隙设置', prop: 'group1', column: [ { label: "长度方向(CM)", prop: "lengthWay", formslot:true, labelWidth:120, span: 8, }, { label: "宽度方向(CM)", prop: "widthWay", labelWidth:120, formslot:true, span: 8, }, { label: "高度方向(CM)", labelWidth:120, prop: "heightWay", formslot:true, span: 8, },] },{ icon:'el-icon-box', label: '容器壁间隙', prop: 'group2', column: [ { label: "长度方式(CM)", prop: "lengthType", labelWidth:120, formslot:true, span: 8, }, { label: "高度方式(CM)", prop: "widthType", labelWidth:120, formslot:true, span: 8, }, { label: "顶部(CM)", prop: "heightType", labelWidth:120, formslot:true, span: 8, },] } ] }, goodsitem: [], changeColor:false, containerList:[ { id:'1', name:'24尺柜', },{ id:'2', name:'48尺柜', } ], chooseContainer:[], goodPlug:[ { label: "套装货物", prop: "item", align: 'center', notBlank: false, width: 130, type: "myDisable", }, { label: "货物名称", prop: "goodsNo", align: 'center', notBlank: true, width: 100, }, { label: "货物说明", prop: "goodsDesc", align: 'center', notBlank: true, width: 120, }, { label: "数量", prop: "qty", align: 'right', notBlank: true, type: "int", width: 110, }, { label: "长(CM)", prop: "l", align: 'right', notBlank: true, type: "int", width: 110, }, { label: "宽(CM)", prop: "w", align: 'right', notBlank: true, type: "int", width: 110, }, { label: "高(CM)", prop: "h", align: 'right', notBlank: true, width: 110, type: "int", }, { label: "重量(KG)", prop: "gwt", align: 'right', notBlank: true, width: 110, disabled: true, type: "int", }, { label: "承重级别", prop: "gwtLevel", align: 'right', width: 120, type: "int", }, { label: "先后顺序", prop: "shunxu", align: 'right', width: 120, type: "int", }, { label: "堆叠层数", prop: "layer", align: 'right', notBlank: true, width: 110, type: "int", },{ label: "订单号", prop: "order", align: 'right', width: 110, notBlank: true, type: "int", },], goodPlug1: [ { label: "套装货物", prop: "item", align: 'center', notBlank: true, width: 130, type: "myDisable", }, { label: "货物名称", prop: "goodsNo", align: 'center', notBlank: true, width: 100, }, { label: "货物说明", prop: "goodsDesc", align: 'center', notBlank: true, width: 120, }, { label: "数量", prop: "qty", align: 'right', notBlank: true, type: "int", width: 120, }, { label: "长(CM)", prop: "l", align: 'right', notBlank: true, type: "int", width: 120, }, { label: "宽(CM)", prop: "w", align: 'right', notBlank: true, type: "int", width: 120, }, { label: "高(CM)", prop: "h", align: 'right', notBlank: true, width: 120, type: "int", }, { label: "重量(KG)", prop: "gwt", align: 'right', notBlank: true, width: 120, disabled: true, type: "int", }, { label: "承重级别", prop: "gwtLevel", align: 'right', width: 120, type: "int", }, { label: "先后顺序", prop: "shunxu", align: 'right', width: 120, type: "int", }, { label: "堆叠层数", prop: "layer", align: 'right', type: "int", notBlank: true, width: 100, },{ label: "订单号", prop: "order", align: 'right', width: 80, notBlank: true, type: "int", }, ], goodPlug2: [ { label: "套装货物", prop: "item", align: 'center', notBlank: true, width: 130, type: "myDisable", }, { label: "货物名称", prop: "goodsNo", align: 'center', notBlank: true, width: 100, }, { label: "货物说明", prop: "goodsDesc", align: 'center', notBlank: true, width: 120, }, { label: "比例%", prop: "rate", align: 'right', type: "int", notBlank: true, width: 120, }, { label: "长(CM)", prop: "l", align: 'right', notBlank: true, type: "int", width: 120, }, { label: "宽(CM)", prop: "w", align: 'right', notBlank: true, type: "int", width: 120, }, { label: "高(CM)", prop: "h", align: 'right', notBlank: true, width: 120, type: "int", }, { label: "重量(KG)", prop: "gwt", align: 'right', notBlank: true, width: 120, disabled: true, type: "int", }, { label: "承重级别", prop: "gwtLevel", align: 'right', width: 120, type: "int", }, { label: "先后顺序", prop: "shunxu", align: 'right', width: 120, type: "int", }, { label: "堆叠层数", prop: "layer", align: 'center', notBlank: true, width: 100, type: "int", },{ label: "订单号", prop: "order", align: 'right', width: 80, type: "int", notBlank: true, }, ], goodPlug3: [ { label: "套装货物", prop: "item", align: 'center', notBlank: true, width: 130, type: "myDisable", }, { label: "货物名称", prop: "goodsNo", align: 'center', notBlank: true, width: 100, }, { label: "货物说明", prop: "goodsDesc", align: 'center', notBlank: true, width: 120, }, { label: "是否固定数量", prop: "isFixQty", align: 'center', notBlank: true, width: 120, }, { label: "数量", prop: "qty", align: 'right', notBlank: true, type: "int", width: 120, }, { label: "长(CM)", prop: "l", align: 'right', notBlank: true, type: "int", width: 120, }, { label: "宽(CM)", prop: "w", align: 'right', notBlank: true, type: "int", width: 120, }, { label: "高(CM)", prop: "h", align: 'right', notBlank: true, width: 120, type: "int", }, { label: "重量(KG)", prop: "gwt", align: 'right', notBlank: true, width: 120, disabled: true, type: "int", }, { label: "承重级别", prop: "gwtLevel", align: 'right', width: 120, type: "int", }, { label: "先后顺序", prop: "shunxu", align: 'right', width: 120, type: "int", }, { label: "堆叠层数", prop: "layer", align: 'right', notBlank: true, width: 100, type: "int", },{ label: "订单号", prop: "order", align: 'right', width: 80, notBlank: true, type: "int", }, ], goodPlug4:[ { label: "套装货物", prop: "item", align: 'center', notBlank: false, width: 130, type: "myDisable", }, { label: "货物名称", prop: "goodsNo", align: 'center', notBlank: true, width: 100, }, { label: "货物说明", prop: "goodsDesc", align: 'center', notBlank: true, width: 120, }, { label: "套装说明", prop: "goodsDesc", align: 'center', notBlank: true, width: 120, }, { label: "比例%", prop: "rate", align: 'right', type: "int", notBlank: true, width: 120, }, { label: "数量", prop: "qty", align: 'right', notBlank: true, type: "int", width: 120, }, { label: "长(CM)", prop: "l", align: 'right', notBlank: true, type: "int", width: 120, }, { label: "宽(CM)", prop: "w", align: 'right', notBlank: true, type: "int", width: 120, }, { label: "高(CM)", prop: "h", align: 'right', notBlank: true, width: 120, type: "int", }, { label: "重量(KG)", prop: "gwt", align: 'right', notBlank: true, width: 120, disabled: true, type: "int", }, { label: "承重级别", prop: "gwtLevel", align: 'right', width: 120, type: "int", }, { label: "先后顺序", prop: "shunxu", align: 'right', width: 120, type: "int", }, { label: "堆叠层数", prop: "layer", align: 'right', notBlank: true, type: "int", width: 100, },{ label: "订单号", prop: "order", align: 'right', width: 80, type: "int", notBlank: true, },], goodsList:[ { // img:require('../../../public/img/bg/icon1.png'), title:'单柜单货,求货物最多', dec1:'1种规格的货柜,单规格的货物。', dec2:"货柜数量固定,求最多能装载多少货物?", val: "1" }, { // img:require('../../../public/img/bg/icon2.png'), title:'单柜单货,求用柜最少', dec1:'1种规格的货柜,单规格的货物。', dec2:"货物数量固定,求最少用到多少柜?", val: "2" }, { // img:require('../../../public/img/bg/icon3.png'), title:'单柜多货,求货物最多', dec1:'1种规格的货柜,多规格的货物。', dec2:"货柜数量固定,求最多能装载多少货物?", val: "3" }, { // img:require('../../../public/img/bg/icon4.png'), title:'单柜多货,求用柜最少', dec1:'1种规格的货柜,多规格的货物。', dec2:"货物数量固定,求最少用到多少柜?", val: "4" },{ // img:require('../../../public/img/bg/icon5.png'), title:'多柜多货', dec1:'多种规格货柜,多规格的货物。', dec2:"货物数量固定,求最少用到多少柜?", val: "5" }, ], myOption: { keyId: 'id', border: true, addBtn: false, editBtn: false, addRowBtn: false, saveBtn:false, cancelBtn:false, menuWidth:80, // height:230, menu:true, delBtn:false, cellBtn: false, column: [{ label: '容器名称', prop: 'name', }, { label: '容器数量', prop: 'qty', type: 'number', cell: true, mock:{ type:'number', }, minRows: 0, maxRows: 1000000, },] }, solutionData:[ { goodsNo:'桌子', address:'深圳龙岗', qty:'100' }, { goodsNo:'桌子', address:'深圳龙岗', qty:'100' } ], solutionOptionList:{ border: true, addBtn: false, editBtn: false, height:100, menu:false, column: [{ label: '货物名称', prop: 'goodsNo', }, { label: '装卸点', prop: 'address', }, { label: '数量', align:'center', minWidth:100, prop: 'qty', },] }, containerItem:[ // { // id:0, // name:'张三', // sex:1, // $cellEdit:true // },{ // id:1, // name:'李四', // sex:0, // } ], defaultProps: { children: 'children', label: 'label' }, treeData:[ { label: '20GP 65%', children: [ { label: 'No 1 货物A 20', }, { label: 'No 2 货物B 15', }, { label: 'No 3 货物C 30', }, ] }, { label: '40GP 35%', children: [ { label: 'No 1 货物A 20', }, { label: 'No 2 货物B 15', }, { label: 'No 3 货物C 30', }, ] }, ] } }, mounted(){ this.getStorage() this.getLableTitle() this.getContainer() }, methods: { getLableTitle(){ console.log( if(this.lengthUnit){[0].column[0].label = `长度方向(${sessionStorage.getItem("lengthUnit")})`[0].column[1].label = `宽度方向(${sessionStorage.getItem("lengthUnit")})`[0].column[2].label = `高度方向(${sessionStorage.getItem("lengthUnit")})`[1].column[0].label = `长度方式(${sessionStorage.getItem("lengthUnit")})`[1].column[1].label = `高度方式(${sessionStorage.getItem("lengthUnit")})`[1].column[2].label = `顶部(${sessionStorage.getItem("lengthUnit")})`[0].column[0].label = `长度方向(${sessionStorage.getItem("lengthUnit")})`[0].column[1].label = `宽度方向(${sessionStorage.getItem("lengthUnit")})`[0].column[2].label = `高度方向(${sessionStorage.getItem("lengthUnit")})`[1].column[0].label = `长度方式(${sessionStorage.getItem("lengthUnit")})`[1].column[1].label = `高度方式(${sessionStorage.getItem("lengthUnit")})`[1].column[2].label = `顶部(${sessionStorage.getItem("lengthUnit")})` }else{[0].column[0].label = `长度方向(CM)`[0].column[1].label = `宽度方向(CM)`[0].column[2].label = `高度方向(CM)`[1].column[0].label = `长度方式(CM)`[1].column[1].label = `高度方式(CM)`[1].column[2].label = `顶部(CM)`[0].column[0].label = `长度方向(CM)`[0].column[1].label = `宽度方向(CM)`[0].column[2].label = `高度方向(CM)`[1].column[0].label = `长度方式(CM)`[1].column[1].label = `高度方式(CM)`[1].column[2].label = `顶部(CM)` } }, getStorage(){ this.lengthUnit = sessionStorage.getItem("lengthUnit") }, //隐藏展示 shouHideClick(){ if(this.imgSrc.endsWith("/down-1.png")){ document.getElementById("leftBox").style.width="5%"; document.getElementById("leftUl").style.display='none'; document.getElementById("rightBox").style.width="95%"; // document.getElementById("rightContainer").style.width="95%"; this.imgSrc ="/img/images2/down-2.png"; }else{ document.getElementById("leftBox").style.width="20%"; document.getElementById("rightBox").style.width="80%"; // document.getElementById("leftContainer").style.width="20%"; document.getElementById("leftUl").style.display="block"; // document.getElementById("rightContainer").style.width="80%"; this.imgSrc ="/img/images2/down-1.png"; } }, FilterData(a,b) { var result = new Array(); var c=b.toString(); for(var i=0;i<a.length;i++) { if(c.indexOf(a[i].toString())>-1) { for(var j=0;j<b.length;j++) { if(a[i]==b[j]) { result.push(a[i]); break; } } } } return result; }, getMsgFormSon(data){ // console.log(data) // console.log(this.goodsitem) // console.log(this.FilterData(data,this.goodsitem)) let repeatData = this.FilterData(data,this.goodsitem) this.goodsitem = this.goodsitem.concat(data) for (var i=0; i<repeatData.length; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < this.goodsitem.length; j++) { if (repeatData[i].index == this.goodsitem[j].index) { this.goodsitem.splice(j, 1); break; } } } }, getMsgFromPackage(data){ console.log(data) }, getMsgFromPackage2(data){ console.log(data) console.log(this.multipleSelection) for(let i = 0; i < this.multipleSelection.length; i++){ this.multipleSelection[i].item = data.goodsNo this.multipleSelection[i].goodsDesc = data.goodsDesc } console.log(this.multipleSelection) }, // getLableTitle(){ // console.log(this.goodPlug,'我要疯了啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦了') // if(this.lengthUnit){ // this.goodPlug[4].label = `长(${sessionStorage.getItem("lengthUnit")})` // this.goodPlug[5].label = `宽(${sessionStorage.getItem("lengthUnit")})` // this.goodPlug[6].label = `高(${sessionStorage.getItem("lengthUnit")})` // }else{ // this.goodPlug[4].label = `长(CM)` // this.goodPlug[5].label = `宽(CM)` // this.goodPlug[6].label = `高(CM)` // } // }, // getStorage(){ // console.log(sessionStorage.getItem("lengthUnit")) // this.lengthUnit = sessionStorage.getItem("lengthUnit") // }, handleDelete(val){ console.log(val) this.containerItem.splice(val,1) }, //批量删除 handleDeleteGoods(){ console.log(this.multipleSelection) console.log(this.goodsitem) for (var i=0; i<this.multipleSelection.length; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < this.goodsitem.length; j++) { if (this.multipleSelection[i].index == this.goodsitem[j].index) { this.goodsitem.splice(j, 1); break; } } } }, handleExportTemplate(){ exportTemplate(this.query).then(res => { this.fileDownload(,"货物档案导入模板.xlsx"); }); }, uploadSuccess(response){ this.$message({ type: "success", message: response.msg }); this.onLoad(; }, uploadError(response){ let message = response.message; let parse = JSON.parse(message); this.$message({ type: "error", message: parse.msg }); }, //第二部 单选框改变 切换editTable radioChange(){ this.goodsitem = [] if(this.goodsFrom === '1'){ this.goodPlug = this.goodPlug1 } if(this.goodsFrom === '2'){ if(this.cjKind.title === '单柜单货,求货物最多' || this.cjKind.title === '单柜单货,求用柜最少'){ this.$message.warning('提醒:你选择的是单货类型,所以你只能录入1种货物') return }else{ this.goodPlug = this.goodPlug2 } }else if (this.goodsFrom === '3'){ //按一部分货物数据固定,其他的能装多少算多少 ,所以不能选择第三个radio if(this.cjKind.title === '单柜单货,求货物最多' || this.cjKind.title === '单柜单货,求用柜最少'){ this.$message.warning('提醒:你选择的是单货类型,所以你只能录入1种货物') return }else{ this.goodPlug = this.goodPlug3 } } }, //选择已保存的数据 handleChoose(){ this.myTitle = '选择已保存的货物' this.showGoodsList = true; }, dialogCloseSuccess(){ this.showGoodsList = false; this.onLoad( }, handleSelectionChange(val){ console.log(val) this.multipleSelection = val }, selectionChange(list) { this.selectionList = list; }, handlePackageGoods(){ // console.log(this.multipleSelection) if (this.multipleSelection.length < 2) { this.$message.warning("请选择至少2条数据"); return; } this.goodPlug = this.goodPlug4 this.formTitle = '生成套装货物' this.dialogFlagToUp = true; this.packageGoodsData = this.multipleSelection this.isSaveMessage = 'fromSteps' this.packageGoodsGuid = ""; }, dialogCloseToUp() { this.showGoodsList = false; }, dialogCloseToUpSuccess () { this.dialogFlagToUp = false; this.onLoad( }, delRow(type, row) { if ( { this.$confirm("确认删除改行数据吗?", { confirmButtonText: "确定", cancelButtonText: "取消", type: "warning" }).then(() => { this[`${type}Del`].push(; this[`${type}`].splice(row.index, 1) }); } else { this[`${type}`].splice(row.index, 1) } }, onLoad(){ console.log(this.cantainerKey) }, getContainer(){ //1集装箱2 托盘3纸箱 getContainer("1").then(res => { let myContainerName = [] for (let i = 0 ; i <; i++){ myContainerName.push({id:i+1,[i].noName,[i].guid}); } console.log(myContainerName) this.containerList = myContainerName }); }, changeLeft(){ console.log(this.cjKind) console.log(this.containerItem) console.log( this.chooseContainer) //判断是否是单柜类型 if(this.cjKind.title === '单柜单货,求货物最多' || this.cjKind.title === '单柜单货,求用柜最少' || this.cjKind.title === '单柜多货,求货物最多' || this.cjKind.title === '单柜多货,求用柜最少') { if(this.containerItem.length > 0){ this.$message.warning('提醒:你选择的是单柜类型,所以你只能录入一种容器') return } } //每种规格的集装箱只能选择一次,可更改数量 if(this.containerItem.length > 0){ for(let i = 0; i < this.chooseContainer.length; i++){ for(let j = 0; j < this.containerItem.length; j++){ console.log(this.chooseContainer[i].name) console.log(this.containerItem[j].name) if(this.chooseContainer[i].name == this.containerItem[j].name){ this.$message({ message: '已有该规格的容器了', type: 'warning' }); return } } this.chooseContainer[0].$cellEdit = true this.containerItem.push(this.chooseContainer[0]) } }else{ this.chooseContainer[0].$cellEdit = true this.containerItem.push(this.chooseContainer[0]) } console.log(this.containerItem) }, handleChangeContainer(val){ console.log(val) console.log(this.cantainerKey) this.chooseContainer = [] this.cantainerKey = val console.log(this.containerList[val]) if( this.cjKind.title === '单柜单货,求用柜最少' || this.cjKind.title === '单柜多货,求用柜最少'){ this.containerList[val].qty = 0 }else{ this.containerList[val].qty = 1 } this.chooseContainer.push(this.containerList[val]) console.log( this.chooseContainer) }, handleChangeColor(val){ console.log(val) console.log(this.goodsList[val]) this.cjKind = this.goodsList[val] this.key = val }, changeNav(index) { console.log(index) console.log(this.form.explain) console.log(this.cjKind) if (index == 1) { this.Index = 1; } else if (index == 2) { this.Index = 2; } else if (index == 3) { this.Index = 3 }else if (index == 4) { this.Index = 4 }else if (index == 6) { alert('2122112') this.Index = 6 } }, matlabCalculation(){ this.fullscreenLoading = true; let matlab = {}; // 备注 matlab.explain = this.form.explain; // 装载类型 matlab.cjKind = this.cjKind.val; // 货物规则 matlab.goodsFrom = this.goodsFrom; //货物集合 matlab.goodsItem = this.goodsitem; // 容器集合 matlab.containerItem = this.containerItem; /** * 堆放方式 * 0、相同的货物可以堆叠 * 1、接触面相同尺寸的货物可以堆叠 * **/ matlab.stackingMode = this.solution.stackingMode; // 是否平铺 matlab.pingpu = this.solution.pingpu[0] === null ? 'N':"Y"; // 堆叠层数设置(包含本层) matlab.stackingLayer = this.solution.stackingLayer; matlab.lengthWay = this.solution.lengthWay; matlab.widthWay = this.solution.widthWay; matlab.heightWay = this.solution.heightWay; matlab.lengthType = this.solution.lengthType; matlab.widthType = this.solution.widthType; matlab.heightType = this.solution.heightType; matlabCalculation(matlab).then(() => { this.$message({ type: "success", message: "操作成功!" }); this.changeNav6 = false; this.fullscreenLoading = false; }) }, } } </script> <style scoped> #box{ width: 100%; height: 100%; background: white; padding: 10px; overflow: hidden; } #leftBox{ width: 20%; float: left; /*border: 1px solid black;*/ } #rightBox{ width: 80%; float: left; /*border: 1px solid black;*/ } #leftBox, #rightBox{ height: 100%; overflow: auto } /*标签初始化*/ body, dl, dt, dd, ul, ol, li, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, form, fieldset, img, button, textarea { margin: 0; padding: 0; border: none; list-style:none } /*标签初始化*/ html,body { height:100%;overflow:hidden; 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