• Q1
    DB::Exception: Cannot create table from metadata file /data/clickhouse/metadata/default/dwd_test.sql, error: DB::Exception: The local set of parts of table default.dwd_test doesn’t look like the set of parts in ZooKeeper: 65.88 million rows of 85.04 million total rows in filesystem are suspicious. There are 545 unexpected parts with 65883643 rows (191 of them is not just-written with 65883643 rows), 0 missing parts (with 0 blocks).

  • A1
    这是由于truncate、alter等ddl语句用了on cluster,偶尔导致zookeeper同步异常。解决方法1:删除有问题节点的本地表数据 rm -r /data/clickhouse/data/default/dwd_test,再重新启动CK,副本会自动重新同步该表数据。(如果没有副本请不要使用此方法。)
    解决方法2:命令行执行sudo -u clickhouse touch /data/clickhouse/flags/force_restore_data 然后手动恢复有问题的partition

  • Q2
    Connected to ClickHouse server version 20.3.8 revision 54433.
    Poco::Exception. Code: 1000, e.code() = 13, e.displayText() = Access to file denied: /home/qspace/.clickhouse-client-history (version (official build))

  • A2

    chown clickhouse:clickhouse /home/qspace/.clickhouse-client-history (没有则创建)

  • Q3
    Application: DB::Exception: Listen [::]:8124 failed: Poco::Exception. Code: 1000, e.code() = 0, e.displayText() = DNS error: EAI: Address family for hostname not supported (version (official build))

  • A3
    本机没有开放ipv6,只能对ipv4生效。在/etc/click-house/config.xml中,把<listen_host> 改成0.0.0.0 或者 ::

  • Q4
    Code: 32, e.displayText() = DB::Exception: Received from hadoop8:9900. DB::Exception: Attempt to read after eof: Cannot parse Int32 from String, because value is too short. (version (official build))

  • A4

  • Q5
    Application: DB::Exception: Suspiciously many (125) broken parts to remove.: Cannot attach table default.test
    Code: 231. DB::Exception: Received from ck10:9000. DB::Exception: Suspiciously many (125) broken parts to remove…

  • A5

  • Q6
    Cannot execute replicated DDL query on leader.

  • A6

  • Q7
    Code: 76. DB::Exception: Received from DB::Exception: Cannot open file /data/clickhouse/data/default/test/tmp_insert_20200523_55575_55575_0/f0560_deep_conversion_optimization_goal.mrk2, errno: 24, strerror: Too many open files.

  • A7
    修改/etc/security/limits.conf 添加:
    clickhouse soft nofile 262144
    clickhouse hard nofile 262144
    使用ulimit -n 查询、看到的是所有用户可打开的总数,而ck能打开的大小只是系统的默认值,所以不要被这个命令干扰,重启ck后、获取ck的进程、再通过cat /proc/${pid}/limits |grep open ,判断配置是否生效

  • Q8
    DB::Exception: Too many parts(100).

  • A8
    官方回答:The following changes have been made on config.xml:

  • Q9
    Code: 117. DB::Exception: Received from hadoop8:9900. DB::Exception: Data directory for table already containing data parts - probably it was unclean DROP table or manual intervention. You must either clear directory by hand or use ATTACH TABLE instead of CREATE TABLE if you need to use that parts…

  • A9

  • Q10
    Received exception from server (version 20.3.8):
    Code: 999. DB::Exception: Received from hadoop7:9900. DB::Exception: Session expired (Session expired).

  • A10


