

1、Define a constant instead of duplicating this literal “djxhs” 3 times.



//Noncompliant Code Example
public void run() {
  prepare("action1");                              // Noncompliant - "action1" is duplicated 3 times
@SuppressWarning("all")                            // Compliant - annotations are excluded
private void method1() { /* ... */ }
private void method2() { /* ... */ }
public String method3(String a) {
  System.out.println("'" + a + "'");               // Compliant - literal "'" has less than 5 characters and is excluded
  return "";                                       // Compliant - literal "" has less than 5 characters and is excluded
//Compliant Solution


private static final String ACTION_1 = "action1";  // Compliant
public void run() {
  prepare(ACTION_1);                               // Compliant

2、Refactor this method to reduce its Cognitive Complexity from 17 to the 15 allowed.


Cognitive Complexity is a measure of how hard the control flow of a method is to understand. Methods with high Cognitive Complexity will be difficult to maintain.



3、Remove this unused import 'gov.gt3.iitms.refactor.basecode.util.CommUtil’


//Noncompliant Code Example

package my.company;
import java.lang.String;        // Noncompliant; java.lang classes are always implicitly imported
import my.company.SomeClass;    // Noncompliant; same-package files are always implicitly imported
import java.io.File;            // Noncompliant; File is not used
import my.company2.SomeType;
import my.company2.SomeType;    // Noncompliant; 'SomeType' is already imported
class ExampleClass {
  public String someString;
  public SomeType something;

4、Refactor this method to not always return the same value.

方法中不同分支不应该返回相同的值 ==》你判断了不同的条件,就要返回不同的结果

//Noncompliant Code Example
int foo(int a) {
  int b = 12;
  if (a == 1) {
    return b;
  return b;  // Noncompliant

5、URIs should not be hardcoded 这个我好像没遇到。。。

Hard coding a URI makes it difficult to test a program: path literals are not always portable across operating systems, a given absolute path may not exist on a specific test environment, a specified Internet URL may not be available when executing the tests, production environment filesystems usually differ from the development environment, …etc. For all those reasons, a URI should never be hard coded. Instead, it should be replaced by customizable parameter.

Further even if the elements of a URI are obtained dynamically, portability can still be limited if the path-delimiters are hard-coded.

This rule raises an issue when URI’s or path delimiters are hard coded.


public class Foo {
// Configuration is a class that returns customizable properties: it can be mocked to be injected during tests.
private Configuration config;
public Foo(Configuration myConfig) {
this.config = myConfig;
public Collection listUsers() {
// Find here the way to get the correct folder, in this case using the Configuration object
String listingFolder = config.getProperty(“myApplication.listingFolder”);
// and use this parameter instead of the hard coded path
File userList = new File(listingFolder, “users.txt”); // Compliant
Collection users = parse(userList);
return users;
6、Method names should comply with a naming convention

hared naming conventions allow teams to collaborate efficiently. This rule checks that all method names match a provided regular expression.

With default provided regular expression 1[a-zA-Z0-9]*$;


7、Comments should not be located at the end of lines of code : Move this trailing comment on the previous empty line.


8、Reduce the total number of break and continue statements in this loop to use at most one. 这个我好像也没改

Restricting the number of break and continue statements in a loop is done in the interest of good structured programming.

One break and continue statement is acceptable in a loop, since it facilitates optimal coding. If there is more than one, the code should be refactored to increase readability.

for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) { // Noncompliant - 2 continue - one might be tempted to add some logic in between
if (i % 2 == 0) {
if (i % 3 == 0) {
System.out.println("i = " + i);
9、Use try-with-resources or close this “FileInputStream” in a “finally” clause.


10、Remove this conditional structure or edit its code blocks so that they’re not all the same. 减少代码重用吧

Having all branches in a switch or if chain with the same implementation is an error. Either a copy-paste error was made and something different should be executed, or there shouldn’t be a switch/if chain at all. Note that this rule does not apply to if chains without else-s, or to switch-es without default clauses.

11、Merge this if statement with the enclosing one.

Merging collapsible if statements increases the code’s readability.

//Noncompliant Code Example
if (file != null) {
if (file.isFile() || file.isDirectory()) {
/* … /
//Compliant Solution
if (file != null && isFileOrDirectory(file)) {
… */

private static boolean isFileOrDirectory(File file) {
return file.isFile() || file.isDirectory();
12、This block of commented-out lines of code should be removed.



List<String> list = new ArrayList<>();


List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();




  1. a-z ↩︎


