
  • 目录:FOCAS2\Linux
  • so文件:libfwlib32.so.1.0.5
  • 头文件:fwlib32.h


  • 拷贝库文件"libfwlib32.so.1.0.5" 到应用目录(可以直接复制到系统库目录更方便 “/usr/local/lib/”)
  • 运行如下3个命令:
sudo ldconfig
sudo ln –s /usr/local/lib/libfwlib32.so.1.0.0 /usr/local/lib/libfwlib32.so
sudo ln –s /usr/local/lib/libfwlib32.so.1.0.0 /usr/local/lib/libfwlib32.so.1(没有这一步会报错)


GCC编译程序的时候添加如下库依赖 “-lfwlib32 -lstdc++ -lpthread”

  1. FOCAS2/Ethernet library(fwlib32)
  2. GNU Standard C++ library (stdc++)
  3. POSIX thread library (pthread)
gcc test.cpp -o test -lfwlib32 -lstdc++ -lpthread


#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include "fwlib32.h"
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>

#define  USHORT unsigned short
#define  MAXLEN 1280

using namespace std;

short DownloadFile (USHORT h, const char *filepath);
short UploadFile (USHORT h, short progID, const char *filePath);
void HexDump (char *buf, int len, int addr);

main (int argc, char **argv)
  unsigned short h = 1;
  short ret;
  string ip = "";

  if (argc > 1)
      ip = argv[1];

  if (EW_OK != cnc_startupprocess (0, "/var/log/foces32.log"))
      printf ("statup proceess fialed");
      return -1;
  cout << "ip: " << ip << endl;
  if (EW_OK != cnc_allclibhndl3 (ip.c_str (), 8193, 5, &h))	/// Allocate the library handle(for Ethernet connection)
      printf ("Connect Failed!\n");
      system ("Pause");
      return -1;

  cout << "machine: " << ip << endl;

  ODBST statinfo;
  memset ((void *) &statinfo, 0, sizeof (statinfo));
  ret = cnc_statinfo (h, &statinfo);

  if (EW_OK == ret)
      cout << "AUTOMATIC/MANUAL mode selection \t:" << statinfo.aut << endl;
      cout << "Status of automatic operation \t\t: " << statinfo.run << endl;
      cout << "Status of axis movement, dwell \t\t: " << statinfo.motion <<
      cout << "Status of M,S,T,B function \t\t: " << statinfo.mstb << endl;
      cout << "Status of alarm \t\t: " << statinfo.alarm << endl;
      cout << "Status of program editing \t\t: " << statinfo.edit << endl;

  ODBSYS sysinfo;
  memset ((void *) &sysinfo, 0, sizeof (sysinfo));
  ret = cnc_sysinfo (h, &sysinfo);
  if (EW_OK == ret)
      const int STR_MAX = 32;
      char cnc_type[STR_MAX] = { 0 };
      char mt_type[STR_MAX] = { 0 };
      char series[STR_MAX] = { 0 };
      char version[STR_MAX] = { 0 };
      memcpy (cnc_type, sysinfo.cnc_type, 2 * sizeof (char));
      memcpy (mt_type, sysinfo.mt_type, 2 * sizeof (char));
      memcpy (series, sysinfo.series, 4 * sizeof (char));
      memcpy (version, sysinfo.version, 4 * sizeof (char));
      cout << "cnc type:" << cnc_type << endl;
      cout << "mt type\t:" << mt_type << endl;
      cout << "series\t:" << series << endl;
      cout << "version\t:" << version << endl;

  cout << "alarm===================" << endl;
    ODBALMMSG msg[10];
    short rnum = 10;

    bool isOk = false;
    if (cnc_rdalmmsg ((unsigned short) h, -1, &rnum, msg) == EW_OK)
	for (short i = 0; i < rnum; i++)
	    msg[i].alm_msg[31] = '\0';
	    cout << "ID_" << i << ": " << msg[i].alm_no << ", type: " <<
	      msg[i].type << endl;
	    cout << "Msg: " << msg[i].alm_msg << endl;
	    HexDump (msg[i].alm_msg, msg[i].msg_len, 0);
	isOk = true;

  cout << "test prog............." << endl;

  char ORG_NAME[] = "0221";
  char *prog_name = ORG_NAME;
  if (argc > 2)
    prog_name = argv[2];
  short code = cnc_delete (h, atoi (prog_name));
  printf ("Delete file: %s, code: %d\n", prog_name, code);
  code = DownloadFile (h, prog_name);
  printf ("download file: %s, code: %d\n", prog_name, code);
  string temp = prog_name;
  temp += ".nc";
  code = UploadFile (h, atoi (prog_name), temp.c_str ());
  printf ("upload file: %s, code: %d\n", prog_name, code);
  cnc_freelibhndl (h);

  cout << "end ..............:" << endl;
  return 0;

UploadFile (USHORT h, short progID, const char *filePath)
  short code = -1;
  if (h > 0)
      FILE *outfile = NULL;
      outfile = fopen (filePath, "wb");
      if (outfile != NULL)
	  if (cnc_upstart3 (h, 0, progID, progID) == EW_OK)
	      long len = MAXLEN;
	      char buf[MAXLEN + 1];

		  len = MAXLEN;
		  code = cnc_upload3 (h, &len, buf);
		  if (code == EW_BUFFER)
		  if (code == EW_OK)
		      buf[len] = '\0';
		      fwrite (buf, sizeof (char), len, outfile);
		  if (buf[len - 1] == '%')
	      while ((code == EW_OK) || (code == EW_BUFFER));
	      code = cnc_upend3 (h);
	  fclose (outfile);
  return code;

DownloadFile (USHORT h, const char *filepath)
  short ret = -1;
  if (h > 0)
      FILE *readFile = fopen (filepath, "rb");
      if (readFile != NULL)
	  if (cnc_dwnstart3 (h, 0) == EW_OK)
	      long rc;
	      unsigned char buf[MAXLEN] = { 0 };
	      while (true)
		  rc = fread (buf, sizeof (unsigned char), MAXLEN, readFile);
		  if (rc <= 0)

		      ret = cnc_download3 (h, &rc, (char *) buf);
		  while (ret == EW_BUFFER);

		  if (ret != EW_OK)
	      ret = cnc_dwnend3 ((short) h);
	  fclose (readFile);
  return ret;

HexDump (char *buf, int len, int addr)
  int i, j, k;
  char binstr[80];

  for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
      if (0 == (i % 16))
	  sprintf (binstr, "%08x -", i + addr);
	  sprintf (binstr, "%s %02x", binstr, (unsigned char) buf[i]);
      else if (15 == (i % 16))
	  sprintf (binstr, "%s %02x", binstr, (unsigned char) buf[i]);
	  sprintf (binstr, "%s  ", binstr);
	  for (j = i - 15; j <= i; j++)
	      sprintf (binstr, "%s%c", binstr,
		       ('!' < buf[j] && buf[j] <= '~') ? buf[j] : '.');
	  printf ("%s\n", binstr);
	  sprintf (binstr, "%s %02x", binstr, (unsigned char) buf[i]);
  if (0 != (i % 16))
      k = 16 - (i % 16);
      for (j = 0; j < k; j++)
	  sprintf (binstr, "%s   ", binstr);
      sprintf (binstr, "%s  ", binstr);
      k = 16 - k;
      for (j = i - k; j < i; j++)
	  sprintf (binstr, "%s%c", binstr,
		   ('!' < buf[j] && buf[j] <= '~') ? buf[j] : '.');
      printf ("%s\n", binstr);



