k8s-deploy Pod to assigned Node
by deafult,Scheduler will schedule Pods to all available Nodes.But in some situations,we will deploy Pod to assigned Node such as deploying using I/O’s Pod to Node with SSD,using GPU’s Pod to Node wi.
by deafult,Scheduler will schedule Pods to all available Nodes.
But in some situations,we will deploy Pod to assigned Node such as deploying using I/O’s Pod to Node with SSD,using GPU’s Pod to Node with GPU.
Using label,k8s solves this.
label is the pair of key-value .
kubectl label node k8s-0002 disktype=ssd
kubectl get node --show-labels
we can use the type to deploy Pod to assigned Node
spec 's nodeSelector to set the ssd Node
the Pod is running on k8s-0002 Node
delete the label