需求:现在很多手机app都不用原生态开发,我们可以使用手机前端ui框架实现。例如:本案例使用的是vue+cube-ui,那我们要实现在手机上查看大图,即点击图片,图片放大,可以对图片进行缩放,如果有多张,可以滑动切换。下面直接上代码:<template><div class="container"><div
<template> <div class="container"> <div class="header"> <div class="back" @click="goBack()"><img src="../assets/back-icon.png"></div> <div class="title">材料管理</div> <div class="operate" @click="toFilterPage"> <span class="operateText">筛选</span> </div> </div> <div class="tab"> <div class="tab-item" @click="changeData(0)">进场记录 <div class="tab-line"></div> </div> <div class="tab-item" @click="changeData(1)">领用记录 <div class="tab-line"></div> </div> </div> <div class="wrapper" ref="wrapper"> <ul class="content"> <li v-for="(item, index) in dataList"> <div :class="item.checkResult == 'Y' ? 'item-list-y' : 'item-list-n' "> <div class="list-title">单号:{{item.mioNo}}{{item.mooNo}} <span v-if="item.checkResult == 'Y' && item.mioProduct" class="check-y">合格</span> <span v-if="item.checkResult == 'N' && item.mioProduct" class="check-n">不合格</span> </div> <div class="list-text" v-if="item.mioProduct">进场时间:{{item.createDate.split(" ")[0]}}<span style="float: right;">验收人:{{}}</span></div> <div class="list-text" v-if="item.mooPlace">领用时间:{{item.createDate.split(" ")[0]}}<span style="float: right;">领用人:{{}}</span></div> <div class="list-text" v-if="item.mioProduct">生产厂家:{{item.mioProduct}}</div> <div class="list-text" v-if="item.remarks" style="line-height: 18px!important;">备注说明:{{item.remarks}}</div> <div class="list-text" v-if="item.mooPlace">施工部位:{{item.mooPlace}}</div> <div class="stuff-list"> <div class="stuff-div" v-for="(subItem, subIndex) in item.detailList"> <img :src="rootPath+subItem.miodPic | imgStringFilter" @click="showImagePreview(subItem.miodPic)"> <div class="stuff-info"> <div class="stuff-text">材料:<span>{{subItem.materialName}}</span></div> <div class="stuff-text">数量:<span>{{subItem.materialNum}}</span></div> <div class="stuff-text">型号:<span>{{subItem.materialType}}</span></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> </ul> <div class="add" @touchstart="intoAdd"><span>{{addText}}</span></div> </div> <div class="noInfo" v-show="isShow">暂无数据</div> <div class="loadingDiv" :style="{display:show}"> <cube-loading :size="40"></cube-loading> </div> </div> </template> <script> import BScroll from 'better-scroll'; import axios from 'axios'; import ImagePreview from "cube-ui"; import qs from 'qs'; export default { data () { return { imgs: [{url: '../assets/bg.png'}, {url: '../assets/device1.png'}, {url: '../assets/bg.png'}], imgs1: ['/SmartSitesApp/assets/bg.png', './SmartSitesApp/assets/device1.png', '/SmartSitesApp/assets/bg.png'], addTextList:["+ 进场验收","+ 领用单"], tabFlag: 0, qryParam: {}, loadFlag: false, pageNum: 1, pageSize: 15, dataList: [], addText:"", show: 'none', isShow: false, pageEnd: false, tabPage: 0, mioNo: '', startDate: '', endDate: '', mioProduct: '', createId: '', mioNo1: '', startDate1: '', endDate1: '', createId1: '', rootPath: '', } }, //过滤器 filters:{ //截取分号前面的字符串 imgStringFilter:function(value){ return value.split(';')[0]; } }, methods: { showImagePreview(picStr){ var imgs = []; imgs = picStr.split(';'); var path = this.rootPath; for(var i=0; i<imgs.length; i++){ imgs[i] = path + imgs[i]; } this.preview = this.$createImagePreview({ imgs: imgs });; }, goBack(){ this.$router.back(-1); }, showMessage(txt, type){ const toast = this.$createToast({ txt: txt, type: type, time: 2000, });; }, showErrMessage(txt){ const toast = this.$createToast({ txt: txt, time: 2000, type: 'error' });; }, changeData(val){ this.isShow = false; this.pageNum = 1; this.pageEnd = false; /*if (this.tabFlag == val) { return false; }*/ this.tabFlag = val; $(".tab-item").removeClass("tab-sel"); $(".tab-item:eq(" + val + ")").addClass("tab-sel"); if (val == 0) { this.tabPage = 0; this.getIntoRecordData(); } else { this.tabPage = 1; this.getNeckRecordData(); } this.addText = this.addTextList[val]; }, getNeckRecordData(){ let that = this; = "flex"; let deptId = this.$store.state.deptId; let projectId = this.$store.state.projectId; let param = {"deptId":deptId, "projectId":projectId, "startDate": that.startDate1, "endDate": that.endDate1, mioNo: that.mioNo1, createrId: that.createId1}; let qryParam ={"pageNum": that.pageNum, "pageSize": that.pageSize, "param": JSON.stringify(param)};'/SmartSitesApp/stuff/',qs.stringify(qryParam),{withCredentials:true }) .then(response => { = "none"; let status = response.status; if (status == 200) { let data =; if (data.code == 200) { var data =; if(data.path){ that.rootPath = data.path; } let dataLists = data.rows; var totalCount = dataLists.length; if (that.pageNum == 1) { if (totalCount > 0) { that.dataList = dataLists; that.pageNum++; if (totalCount < that.pageSize) { that.pageEnd = true; } } else { that.dataList = []; that.isShow = true; $(".container").css("background-color", "#F7F7F7"); that.pageEnd = true; } } else { if (totalCount > 0) { that.dataList = that.dataList.concat(dataLists); that.pageNum++; if (totalCount < that.pageSize) { that.pageEnd = true; } } else { that.pageEnd = true; } } that.$nextTick(() => { that.pullingDownUp(); }); }else { that.showErrMessage(data.msg); } }else{ that.showErrMessage("服务错误"); } }) .catch(err => { = "none"; }); }, getIntoRecordData(){ let that = this; = "flex"; let deptId = this.$store.state.deptId; let projectId = this.$store.state.projectId; let param = {"deptId":deptId, "projectId":projectId, "startDate": that.startDate,"endDate": that.endDate, mioNo: that.mioNo, createrId: that.createId, mioProduct: that.mioProduct}; let qryParam ={"pageNum": that.pageNum, "pageSize": that.pageSize, "param": JSON.stringify(param)};'/SmartSitesApp/stuff/',qs.stringify(qryParam),{withCredentials:true }) .then(response => { = "none"; let status = response.status; if (status == 200) { let data =; if (data.code == 200) { var data =; if(data.path){ that.rootPath = data.path; } let dataLists = data.rows; var totalCount = dataLists.length; if (that.pageNum == 1) { if (totalCount > 0) { that.dataList = dataLists; that.pageNum++; if (totalCount < that.pageSize) { that.pageEnd = true; } } else { that.dataList = []; that.isShow = true; $(".container").css("background-color", "#F7F7F7"); that.pageEnd = true; } } else { if (totalCount > 0) { that.dataList = that.dataList.concat(dataLists); that.pageNum++; if (totalCount < that.pageSize) { that.pageEnd = true; } } else { that.pageEnd = true; } } that.$nextTick(() => { that.pullingDownUp(); }); }else { that.showErrMessage(data.msg); } }else{ that.showErrMessage("服务错误"); } }) .catch(err => { = "none"; }); }, loadData(){ if(this.tabFlag == 0){ if (!this.pageEnd) { this.getIntoRecordData(); } else { this.showErrMessage("已加载全部数据"); } }else if(this.tabFlag == 1){ if (!this.pageEnd) { this.getNeckRecordData(); } else { this.showErrMessage("已加载全部数据"); } } }, pullingDownUp(){ this.scroll.finishPullDown(); this.scroll.finishPullUp(); this.scroll.refresh() //重新计算元素高度 }, intoAdd(){ if(this.addText == this.addTextList[0]){ this.$router.push("addInspectOrder"); }else{ this.$router.push("addUseOrder"); } }, toFilterPage(){ this.$router.push({name:"filterPage",params:{"tabPage": this.tabPage}}); } }, destroyed: function () { localStorage.setItem("filterMaterial", null); }, mounted(){ this.tabPage = 0; let that = this; var screenWidth = $(window).width(); $(".add").css("margin-left",(screenWidth-120)/2); this.addText = this.addTextList[0];//进场验收添加按钮 //选项卡切换到进场记录 $(".tab-item").removeClass("tab-sel"); $(".tab-item:eq(0)").addClass("tab-sel"); this.$nextTick(function () { that.scroll = new BScroll(that.$refs.wrapper, {bounce: true, momentum: true, click: true}); that.scroll.on('scrollEnd', () => { if (that.scroll.y <= (that.scroll.maxScrollY)) { that.loadData(); } }) }); try{ var filterMaterial = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("filterMaterial")); that.tabPage = filterMaterial.tabPage!=undefined&&filterMaterial.tabPage!=null ? filterMaterial.tabPage : 0; if(that.tabPage == 0){ that.mioNo = filterMaterial.orderNo; that.startDate = filterMaterial.startTime; that.endDate = filterMaterial.endTime; that.mioProduct = filterMaterial.productName; that.createId = filterMaterial.staffId; }else if(that.tabPage == 1){ that.mioNo1 = filterMaterial.orderNo; that.startDate1 = filterMaterial.startTime; that.endDate1 = filterMaterial.endTime; that.createId1 = filterMaterial.staffId; } }catch(e){ } if(that.tabPage == 0){ that.changeData(0); }else if(that.tabPage == 1){ that.changeData(1) } } } </script> <style scoped> .noInfo { margin-top: 10px; position: absolute !important; font-size: 16px; color: #808080; width: 100%; top: 100px; height: calc(100% - 130px); background: #fff; padding-top: 20px; } .loadingDiv{ width: 100%; height: 100%; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; } .wrapper { width: 100%; height: calc(100% - 118px); overflow: auto; margin-top: 10px; } .item-list-y { background-color: #fff; margin: 10px 10px 0 10px; padding: 10px 10px; border-top: 3px solid #5595cf; box-shadow: -5px 0 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), 5px 0 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), 0 5px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); text-align: left; } .item-list-n { background-color: #fff; margin: 10px 10px 0 10px; padding: 10px 10px; border-top: 3px solid #c7625c; box-shadow: -5px 0 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), 5px 0 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), 0 5px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); text-align: left; } .check-y{ color: #5595cf; float: right; font-size: 13px; } .check-n{ color: #c7625c; float: right; font-size: 13px; } .list-text { color:#9e9e9e; padding-top:3px; font-size: 13px; line-height: 26px; } .stuff-list { background-color:#f9f9f9; margin:10px 0 0px 0; } .stuff-div { height:64px; position:relative; border-top:1px dashed #e9e9e9; } .stuff-div img { position: absolute; left:10px; width:47px; height:47px; top:10px; } .stuff-info { position: absolute; left:80px; top:0px; padding-top:4px; } .stuff-text { color:#9e9e9e; line-height:20px; font-size: 13px; } .stuff-text span { text-align:left; float:none; } .add{ position: absolute; bottom: 10px; z-index: 9999; background-color: #169BD5; color: white; width: 120px; font-size: 14px; padding: 10px 0px; border-radius: 20px; } .tab{ border-bottom: 1px solid #e8e8e8; height: 38px!important; } .tab-item{ font-size: 13px; height: 33px; line-height: 32px; } .list-title{ font-size: 13px; line-height: 26px; } .tab-sel .tab-line{ height: 2px; } </style>
这是重点:本案例主要是实现大图查看,所以读者只需要在其中抽取图片相关的代码,例如<img :src=“rootPath+subItem.miodPic | imgStringFilter” @click=“showImagePreview(subItem.miodPic)”>,函数的实现在下面也可以找到,在使用ImagePreview的时候一定要导入依赖import ImagePreview from “cube-ui”;当然这些都是细节。希望可以帮到大家!