欲哭无泪的踩了vue ui 的一个大坑

Vue UI:Vue开发者必不可少的工具 前往查看


当我第一次使用 Vue UI 创建了一个项目 运行时出现一个warning,作为vue小白的我,对于warning error 有着十分谨慎的态度,虽然可以运行,但是对于报错必须消灭!!!(着实打脸)

运行npm run serve 时报错


WARNING: We noticed you're using the `useBuiltIns` option without declaring a core-js version. Currently, we assume version 2.x when no version is passed. Since this default version will likely change in future versions of Babel, we recommend explicitly setting the core-js version you are using via the `corejs` option.

You should also be sure that the version you pass to the `corejs` option matches the version specified in your `package.json`'s `dependencies` section. If it doesn't, you need to run one of the following commands:

  npm install --save core-js@2    npm install --save core-js@3
  yarn add core-js@2              yarn add core-js@3
  // 经过编译
  DONE  Compiled successfully in 10056ms      
  App running at:
  - Local:   http://localhost:8080/
  - Network:

  Note that the development build is not optimized.
  To create a production build, run npm run build.

看到这大部分人(包括我)应该时去 npm/yarn

但是 安装完后再次运行发现
 ERROR  Failed to compile with 8 errors

These dependencies were not found:

* async-validator in ./node_modules/_element-ui@2.6.3@element-ui/lib/element-ui.common.js
* babel-helper-vue-jsx-merge-props in ./node_modules/_element-ui@2.6.3@element-ui/lib/element-ui.common.js
* normalize-wheel in ./node_modules/_element-ui@2.6.3@element-ui/lib/element-ui.common.js
* resize-observer-polyfill in ./node_modules/_element-ui@2.6.3@element-ui/lib/utils/resize-event.js
* throttle-debounce/debounce in ./node_modules/_element-ui@2.6.3@element-ui/lib/element-ui.common.js, ./node_modules/_element-ui@2.6.3@element-ui/
lib/tooltip.js and 1 other
* throttle-debounce/throttle in ./node_modules/_element-ui@2.6.3@element-ui/lib/element-ui.common.js

To install them, you can run: npm install --save async-validator babel-helper-vue-jsx-merge-props normalize-wheel resize-observer-polyfill throttl
e-debounce/debounce throttle-debounce/throttle

运行到这 着实慌了 决定删掉node-modules重新下载依赖


npm install

> vue-cli-service serve

 INFO  Starting development server...
 98% after emitting CopyPlugin

 DONE  Compiled successfully in 7272ms                                                                                                    13:46:59

  App running at:
  - Local:   http://localhost:8080/
  - Network:

  Note that the development build is not optimized.
  To create a production build, run npm run build.

成功了??? 没有Warning了 具体不清楚 发生了什么,





能运行,warning 还存在 (回到了最初, 后续有解决方式 再来修改文档)

各位大佬 如有解决方式请留言 谢谢!!!

欢迎来email Mr@fayu.163.com


