


eventBroadcaster := record.NewBroadcaster()
eventBroadcaster.StartRecordingToSink(&v1core.EventSinkImpl{Interface: kubeClient.CoreV1().Events("")})
recorder := eventBroadcaster.NewRecorder(scheme.Scheme, v1.EventSource{Component: "statefulset-controller"})



// Event is a report of an event somewhere in the cluster.
// TODO: Decide whether to store these separately or with the object they apply to.
type Event struct {
	// +optional

	// Required. The object that this event is about. Mapped to events.Event.regarding
	// +optional
	InvolvedObject ObjectReference

	// Optional; this should be a short, machine understandable string that gives the reason
	// for this event being generated. For example, if the event is reporting that a container
	// can't start, the Reason might be "ImageNotFound".
	// TODO: provide exact specification for format.
	// +optional
	Reason string

	// Optional. A human-readable description of the status of this operation.
	// TODO: decide on maximum length. Mapped to events.Event.note
	// +optional
	Message string

	// Optional. The component reporting this event. Should be a short machine understandable string.
	// +optional
	Source EventSource

	// The time at which the event was first recorded. (Time of server receipt is in TypeMeta.)
	// +optional
	FirstTimestamp metav1.Time

	// The time at which the most recent occurrence of this event was recorded.
	// +optional
	LastTimestamp metav1.Time

	// The number of times this event has occurred.
	// +optional
	Count int32

	// Type of this event (Normal, Warning), new types could be added in the future.
	// +optional
	Type string

	// Time when this Event was first observed.
	// +optional
	EventTime metav1.MicroTime

	// Data about the Event series this event represents or nil if it's a singleton Event.
	// +optional
	Series *EventSeries

	// What action was taken/failed regarding to the Regarding object.
	// +optional
	Action string

	// Optional secondary object for more complex actions.
	// +optional
	Related *ObjectReference

	// Name of the controller that emitted this Event, e.g. `kubernetes.io/kubelet`.
	// +optional
	ReportingController string

	// ID of the controller instance, e.g. `kubelet-xyzf`.
	// +optional
	ReportingInstance string



      记录事件用的,Eventf 封装了类似 Printf 打印机制,也会调用 Event,而 PastEventf 允许传入自定义的时间戳,可以设置事件产生的时间

// EventRecorder knows how to record events on behalf of an EventSource.
type EventRecorder interface {
	// Event constructs an event from the given information and puts it in the queue for sending.
	// 'object' is the object this event is about. Event will make a reference-- or you may also
	// pass a reference to the object directly.
	// 'type' of this event, and can be one of Normal, Warning. New types could be added in future
	// 'reason' is the reason this event is generated. 'reason' should be short and unique; it
	// should be in UpperCamelCase format (starting with a capital letter). "reason" will be used
	// to automate handling of events, so imagine people writing switch statements to handle them.
	// You want to make that easy.
	// 'message' is intended to be human readable.
	// The resulting event will be created in the same namespace as the reference object.
	Event(object runtime.Object, eventtype, reason, message string)

	// Eventf is just like Event, but with Sprintf for the message field.
	Eventf(object runtime.Object, eventtype, reason, messageFmt string, args ...interface{})

	// PastEventf is just like Eventf, but with an option to specify the event's 'timestamp' field.
	PastEventf(object runtime.Object, timestamp metav1.Time, eventtype, reason, messageFmt string, args ...interface{})

	// AnnotatedEventf is just like eventf, but with annotations attached
	AnnotatedEventf(object runtime.Object, annotations map[string]string, eventtype, reason, messageFmt string, args ...interface{})



       事件广播器,StartLogging (记录到日志)和 StartRecordingToSink(发送到apiserver) 两个不同的事件处理函数

        StartEventWatcher,在后台启动一个 goroutine,不断从 EventBroadcaster 提供的管道中接收事件,然后调用 eventHandler 处理函数对事件进行处理

        NewRecorder 新建一个 EventRecoder ,它会把事件发送给 EventBroadcaster

// EventBroadcaster knows how to receive events and send them to any EventSink, watcher, or log.
type EventBroadcaster interface {
	// StartEventWatcher starts sending events received from this EventBroadcaster to the given
	// event handler function. The return value can be ignored or used to stop recording, if
	// desired.
	StartEventWatcher(eventHandler func(*v1.Event)) watch.Interface

	// StartRecordingToSink starts sending events received from this EventBroadcaster to the given
	// sink. The return value can be ignored or used to stop recording, if desired.
	StartRecordingToSink(sink EventSink) watch.Interface

	// StartLogging starts sending events received from this EventBroadcaster to the given logging
	// function. The return value can be ignored or used to stop recording, if desired.
	StartLogging(logf func(format string, args ...interface{})) watch.Interface

	// NewRecorder returns an EventRecorder that can be used to send events to this EventBroadcaster
	// with the event source set to the given event source.
	NewRecorder(scheme *runtime.Scheme, source v1.EventSource) EventRecorder


1. NewBroadcaster函数

  路径: client-go/tools/record/event.go

    创建一个event broadcaster

// Creates a new event broadcaster.
func NewBroadcaster() EventBroadcaster {
   return &eventBroadcasterImpl{watch.NewBroadcaster(maxQueuedEvents, watch.DropIfChannelFull), defaultSleepDuration}

  1.1 NewBroadcaster函数

    路径 apimachinery/pkg/watch/mux.go


// NewBroadcaster creates a new Broadcaster. queueLength is the maximum number of events to queue per watcher.
// It is guaranteed that events will be distributed in the order in which they occur,
// but the order in which a single event is distributed among all of the watchers is unspecified.
func NewBroadcaster(queueLength int, fullChannelBehavior FullChannelBehavior) *Broadcaster {
	m := &Broadcaster{
		watchers:            map[int64]*broadcasterWatcher{},
		incoming:            make(chan Event, incomingQueueLength),
		watchQueueLength:    queueLength,
		fullChannelBehavior: fullChannelBehavior,
	go m.loop()
	return m

  1.2 loop函数


// loop receives from m.incoming and distributes to all watchers.
func (m *Broadcaster) loop() {
	// Deliberately not catching crashes here. Yes, bring down the process if there's a
	// bug in watch.Broadcaster.
	for event := range m.incoming {
		if event.Type == internalRunFunctionMarker {

  1.3 distribute函数


// distribute sends event to all watchers. Blocking.
func (m *Broadcaster) distribute(event Event) {
	defer m.lock.Unlock()
	if m.fullChannelBehavior == DropIfChannelFull {
		for _, w := range m.watchers {
			select {
			case w.result <- event:
			case <-w.stopped:
			default: // Don't block if the event can't be queued.
	} else {
		for _, w := range m.watchers {
			select {
			case w.result <- event:
			case <-w.stopped:


2. StartLogging函数


// StartLogging starts sending events received from this EventBroadcaster to the given logging function.
// The return value can be ignored or used to stop recording, if desired.
func (eventBroadcaster *eventBroadcasterImpl) StartLogging(logf func(format string, args ...interface{})) watch.Interface {
	return eventBroadcaster.StartEventWatcher(
		func(e *v1.Event) {
			logf("Event(%#v): type: '%v' reason: '%v' %v", e.InvolvedObject, e.Type, e.Reason, e.Message)

// StartEventWatcher starts sending events received from this EventBroadcaster to the given event handler function.
// The return value can be ignored or used to stop recording, if desired.
func (eventBroadcaster *eventBroadcasterImpl) StartEventWatcher(eventHandler func(*v1.Event)) watch.Interface {
	watcher := eventBroadcaster.Watch()
	go func() {
		defer utilruntime.HandleCrash()
		for watchEvent := range watcher.ResultChan() {
			event, ok := watchEvent.Object.(*v1.Event)
			if !ok {
				// This is all local, so there's no reason this should
				// ever happen.
	return watcher


3. StartRecordingToSink函数



      &v1core.EventSinkImpl{Interface: kubeClient.CoreV1().Events("")}

   EventSinkImpl实现了EventSink接口,而且使用的是event API调用

// StartRecordingToSink starts sending events received from the specified eventBroadcaster to the given sink.
// The return value can be ignored or used to stop recording, if desired.
// TODO: make me an object with parameterizable queue length and retry interval
func (eventBroadcaster *eventBroadcasterImpl) StartRecordingToSink(sink EventSink) watch.Interface {
	// The default math/rand package functions aren't thread safe, so create a
	// new Rand object for each StartRecording call.
	randGen := rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano()))
	eventCorrelator := NewEventCorrelator(clock.RealClock{})
	return eventBroadcaster.StartEventWatcher(
		func(event *v1.Event) {
			recordToSink(sink, event, eventCorrelator, randGen, eventBroadcaster.sleepDuration)

  3.1 recordToSink函数

    调用recordEvent在调用event API接口

func recordToSink(sink EventSink, event *v1.Event, eventCorrelator *EventCorrelator, randGen *rand.Rand, sleepDuration time.Duration) {
	// Make a copy before modification, because there could be multiple listeners.
	// Events are safe to copy like this.
	eventCopy := *event
	event = &eventCopy
	result, err := eventCorrelator.EventCorrelate(event)
	if err != nil {
	if result.Skip {
	tries := 0
	for {
		if recordEvent(sink, result.Event, result.Patch, result.Event.Count > 1, eventCorrelator) {
		if tries >= maxTriesPerEvent {
			glog.Errorf("Unable to write event '%#v' (retry limit exceeded!)", event)
		// Randomize the first sleep so that various clients won't all be
		// synced up if the master goes down.
		if tries == 1 {
			time.Sleep(time.Duration(float64(sleepDuration) * randGen.Float64()))
		} else {




// NewRecorder returns an EventRecorder that records events with the given event source.
func (eventBroadcaster *eventBroadcasterImpl) NewRecorder(scheme *runtime.Scheme, source v1.EventSource) EventRecorder {
	return &recorderImpl{scheme, source, eventBroadcaster.Broadcaster, clock.RealClock{}}

type recorderImpl struct {
	scheme *runtime.Scheme
	source v1.EventSource
	clock clock.Clock


4. Event函数


func (recorder *recorderImpl) Event(object runtime.Object, eventtype, reason, message string) {
	recorder.generateEvent(object, nil, metav1.Now(), eventtype, reason, message)

  4.1 generateEvent函数

  •     GetReference获得object信息
  •     validateEventType符合的只有Normal和warning
  •     调用makeEvent生成一个event,名字是对象的名字.时间戳string值
  •     异步的将event丢入队列,防止阻塞
func (recorder *recorderImpl) generateEvent(object runtime.Object, annotations map[string]string, timestamp metav1.Time, eventtype, reason, message string) {
	ref, err := ref.GetReference(recorder.scheme, object)
	if err != nil {
		glog.Errorf("Could not construct reference to: '%#v' due to: '%v'. Will not report event: '%v' '%v' '%v'", object, err, eventtype, reason, message)

	if !validateEventType(eventtype) {
		glog.Errorf("Unsupported event type: '%v'", eventtype)

	event := recorder.makeEvent(ref, annotations, eventtype, reason, message)
	event.Source = recorder.source

	go func() {
		// NOTE: events should be a non-blocking operation
		defer utilruntime.HandleCrash()
		recorder.Action(watch.Added, event)


// Action distributes the given event among all watchers.
func (m *Broadcaster) Action(action EventType, obj runtime.Object) {
	m.incoming <- Event{action, obj}



