



npm install vue-video-player --save

npm install maptalks --save

2、以vue cli3.0为例,在vue.conig.js文件中添加配置

chainWebpack: config => {
        limit: 10000


import * as maptalks from 'maptalks'
import videojs from 'video.js'
import 'video.js/dist/video-js.css'
import 'vue-video-player/src/custom-theme.css'
import 'videojs-flash'
import SWF_URL from 'videojs-swf/dist/video-js.swf'

videojs.options.flash.swf = SWF_URL // 设置flash路径,Video.js会在不支持html5的浏览中使用flash播放视频文件


markerInMap() {
  const that = this
  for (var m = 0; m < that.monitor.length; m++) {
    var markerm = new maptalks.Marker(
      that.monitor[m].position, // lon and lat in here
      { // 图形样式
        'symbol': {
          'markerFile': require('./../../assets/baseImg/monitor_map.png'),
          'markerWidth': 28,
          'markerHeight': 36,
          'markerDx': 0,
          'markerDy': 0,
          'markerOpacity': 1
      'autoPan': true,
      'width': 485,
      'minHeight': 330,
      'dy': 4,
      'custom': false, // 只使用定制自定义true
      'autoOpenOn': 'click', // set to null if not to open when clicking on marker
      'autoCloseOn': 'click',
      // 支持自定义html内容
      'content': '<div class="content equip-content">' +
        '<div class="pop-video"><video id="video_' + that.monitor[m].id + '" class="video-js vjs-default-skin vjs-big-play-centered" controls fluid="true" width="485" height="275">' +
        '  <source src="rtmp://" type="rtmp/flv">' +
        '</video></div>' +
        '<div class="pop-bottom">' + that.monitor[m].name + '<a id="moreMonitor" style="cursor:pointer;" data-id="' + that.monitor[m].id + '">查看更多<i class="el-icon-arrow-right"></i></a></div>' +
    }).on('mousedown', onClick)
    function onClick(e) {
      setTimeout(function() {
        const moreMonitor = document.getElementById('moreMonitor')
        moreMonitor.onclick = function() {
          that.$router.push({ path: '/video/realMonitor', query: { id: moreMonitor.dataset.id }})
        that.videoPlayer = videojs(document.getElementById('video_' + moreMonitor.dataset.id), {}, function() {
      }, 1000)


function onClick(e) {
  setTimeout(function() {
    const moreMonitor = document.getElementById('moreMonitor')
    moreMonitor.onclick = function() {
      that.$router.push({ path: '/video/realMonitor', query: { id: moreMonitor.dataset.id }})
    that.videoPlayer = videojs(document.getElementById('video_' + moreMonitor.dataset.id), {}, function() {
  }, 1000)





// 监听地图点击事件
this.map.on('click', function(e) {
  if (that.videoPlayer) {
    that.videoPlayer = null
  1. 整个页面代码如下
  <div id="map" class="base-map" />

import * as maptalks from 'maptalks'
import videojs from 'video.js'
import 'video.js/dist/video-js.css'
import 'vue-video-player/src/custom-theme.css'
import 'videojs-flash'
import SWF_URL from 'videojs-swf/dist/video-js.swf'
import { getBuild, getCustom, getMapMarks } from './../../api/park'

videojs.options.flash.swf = SWF_URL // 设置flash路径,Video.js会在不支持html5的浏览中使用flash播放视频文件
export default {
  name: 'BaseMap',
  data() {
    return {
      videoPlayer: null,
      map: null,
      clusterLayer: [],
      addressPoints: [],
      drawTool: null,
      layer_build: null,
      layer_monitor: null,
      layer_face: null,
      layer_car: null,
      layer_fire: null,
      layer_polygon: null,
      monitor: [],
      face: [],
      car: [],
      fire: [],
      building: [],
      custom: []
  mounted() {
    const that = this
    // --0--//地图对象的初始化
    this.map = new maptalks.Map('map', {
      center: [121.6050804009, 31.2015354151],
      // 中心点标记红十字
      centerCross: true,
      // limit max pitch to 60 as mapbox-gl-js required,just for mapbox
      maxPitch: 60,
      zoom: 18,
      zoomControl: true, // add zoom control
      scaleControl: true, // add scale control
      overviewControl: false, // add overview control
      spatialReference: {
        projection: 'EPSG:4326'
        // 与map一样,支持更详细的设置resolutions,fullExtent等
      baseLayer: new maptalks.WMSTileLayer('wms', {
        'urlTemplate': 'http://xxx.xx.xx.xx:xxxx/geoserver/bcmp_puruan/wms',
        'crs': 'EPSG:4326',
        'tiled': true,
        'layers': 'bcmp_puruan:new3d_puruan',
        'styles': '',
        'version': '1.1.1',
        'format': 'image/png',
        'transparent': true,
        'uppercase': true
        // 以上为wms服务基本配置项(服务相关)
        // ----------------------------------------
        // 以下可以加配maptalk相关属性配置项,如css
        // css filter 滤镜配置,滤镜配置比较丰富
        // cssFilter : 'sepia(5%) invert(95%)'
      layers: [// 配置相关的layers
        new maptalks.VectorLayer('v')
      minZoom: 12,
      maxZoom: 19,
      attribution: {// 左下角info
        content: '&maptalk for qmap'

    // -1-//中心点增加标注,并点击弹框
    // var center = this.map.getCenter()
    // 声明放置楼宇和自定义区域的图层
    this.layer_build = new maptalks.VectorLayer('build').addTo(this.map)
    // 声明放置监控设备的图层
    this.layer_monitor = new maptalks.VectorLayer('monitor').addTo(this.map)
    // 声明放置人脸门禁的图层
    this.layer_face = new maptalks.VectorLayer('face').addTo(this.map)
    // 声明放置车辆卡口的图层
    this.layer_car = new maptalks.VectorLayer('car').addTo(this.map)
    // 声明放置消防设施的图层
    this.layer_fire = new maptalks.VectorLayer('fire').addTo(this.map)
    // 声明放置画多边形的图层
    this.layer_polygon = new maptalks.VectorLayer('polygon').addTo(this.map)

    // -2-// 拖动范围限制,黑框,矩形框可以自定义
    const extent = this.map.getExtent()
    // set map's max extent to map's extent at zoom 18
    this.map.setZoom(this.map.getZoom(), { animation: true })
        new maptalks.Polygon(extent.toArray(), {
          symbol: { 'polygonOpacity': 0, 'lineWidth': 0 }
        // 监听地图点击事件
    this.map.on('click', function(e) {
      if (that.videoPlayer) {
        that.videoPlayer = null
    // 监控设备上图
  methods: {
    // 获取设备
    getMarks() {
      const that = this
      /* getMapMarks().then((res) => {
        if (res.code === 0) {
          // 处理数据
        } else {
      }) */
      const res = [
          id: 11,
          type: 'monitor',
          name: '奥克斯广场5楼H座',
          position: [121.60183757543565, 31.200640797615055]
          id: 12,
          type: 'fire',
          name: '奥克斯广场4楼H座',
          position: [121.60308748483658, 31.201885342597965]
          id: 13,
          type: 'car',
          name: '奥克斯广场3楼H座',
          position: [121.60235390067102, 31.19988441467285]
          id: 14,
          type: 'monitor',
          name: '奥克斯广场2楼H座',
          position: [121.60212725400926, 31.199884414672855]
          id: 15,
          type: 'monitor',
          name: '奥克斯广场1楼H座',
          position: [121.6019180417061, 31.200351119041446]
      const monitor = []
      const face = []
      const car = []
      const fire = []
      res.forEach((item, index) => {
        if (item.type === 'monitor') {
        if (item.type === 'face') {
        if (item.type === 'car') {
        if (item.type === 'fire') {
      that.monitor = monitor
      that.face = face
      that.car = car
      that.fire = fire
    // 楼宇和自定义区域搜索
    getBuildCustom() {
      const that = this
      // 自定义区域搜索
      that.custom = [
          id: 31,
          name: '中心湖',
          position: [
            [121.60619238941621, 31.20185829162874],
            [121.60590807526063, 31.20207823276796],
            [121.6057578715558, 31.20204604625978],
            [121.60483519165467, 31.202249894144913],
            [121.60468498794984, 31.202190885546585],
            [121.60442749588441, 31.202228436472794],
            [121.6042290124173, 31.20208896160402],
            [121.60413245289277, 31.201949486735245],
            [121.60370329945039, 31.201933393481156],
            [121.60349945156526, 31.20180464744844],
            [121.60347799389314, 31.20157397747316],
            [121.60360673992585, 31.201166281702896],
            [121.60361746876191, 31.20109654426851],
            [121.60358528225373, 31.200951704981705],
            [121.60363892643403, 31.200726399424454],
            [121.60397152035188, 31.200495729449173],
            [121.60436312286805, 31.20029724598207],
            [121.6047493609662, 31.20029724598207],
            [121.60501758186768, 31.200377712252518],
            [121.60535017578553, 31.200624475481888],
            [121.60538236229371, 31.200876603129288],
            [121.60536626903962, 31.201160917284867],
            [121.60594562618684, 31.20131648540773],
            [121.60619238941621, 31.201219925883194],
            [121.6067127379651, 31.201219925883194],
            [121.60728673069428, 31.20136476517],
            [121.60738865463685, 31.20130039215364],
            [121.60745302765321, 31.20131648540773],
            [121.60745839207124, 31.201472053530594],
            [121.60720626442384, 31.201477417948624],
            [121.60681466190766, 31.201413044932266],
            [121.60641769497346, 31.201461324694534],
            [121.60622457592439, 31.20158470630922],
            [121.60617093174409, 31.201734910014054],
            [121.60619775383424, 31.20186365604677]
      /* getCustom().then((res) => {
        if (res.code === 0) {
          that.custom = res.data
        } else {
      // 楼宇搜索
      that.building = [
          id: 21,
          name: '海航万邦中心',
          position: [
            [121.60635445018207, 31.200443756030936],
            [121.60635445018207, 31.199907314227957],
            [121.60639200110828, 31.19983757679357],
            [121.60646173854266, 31.19981075470342],
            [121.60678896804248, 31.1998429412116],
            [121.60681579013263, 31.199885856555838],
            [121.60682115455066, 31.200411569522757],
            [121.60680506129657, 31.200486671375174],
            [121.60679433246051, 31.200534951137442],
            [121.60671386619006, 31.200524222301382],
            [121.60670850177203, 31.200502764629263],
            [121.60663876433765, 31.200497400211233],
            [121.60662267108356, 31.200513493465323],
            [121.6065046538869, 31.200486671375174],
            [121.60649392505084, 31.200459849285025],
            [121.60641882319842, 31.200449120448965],
            [121.6063598146001, 31.200454484866995],
            [121.60635445018207, 31.200438391612906]
      /* getBuild().then((res) => {
        if (res.code === 0) {
          that.building = res.data
        } else {
    doDraw() {
      document.getElementById('map').setAttribute('title', '单击左键开始绘制,双击左键结束绘制')
    // 设备资源上图
    markerInMap() {
      const that = this
      for (var m = 0; m < that.monitor.length; m++) {
        var markerm = new maptalks.Marker(
          that.monitor[m].position, // lon and lat in here
          { // 图形样式
            'symbol': {
              'markerFile': require('./../../assets/baseImg/monitor_map.png'),
              'markerWidth': 28,
              'markerHeight': 36,
              'markerDx': 0,
              'markerDy': 0,
              'markerOpacity': 1
          'autoPan': true,
          'width': 485,
          'minHeight': 330,
          'dy': 4,
          'custom': false, // 只使用定制自定义true
          'autoOpenOn': 'click', // set to null if not to open when clicking on marker
          'autoCloseOn': 'click',
          // 支持自定义html内容
          'content': '<div class="content equip-content">' +
            '<div class="pop-video"><video id="video_' + that.monitor[m].id + '" class="video-js vjs-default-skin vjs-big-play-centered" controls fluid="true" width="485" height="275">' +
            '  <source src="rtmp://" type="rtmp/flv">' +
            '</video></div>' +
            '<div class="pop-bottom">' + that.monitor[m].name + '<a id="moreMonitor" style="cursor:pointer;" data-id="' + that.monitor[m].id + '">查看更多<i class="el-icon-arrow-right"></i></a></div>' +
        }).on('mousedown', onClick)
        function onClick(e) {
          setTimeout(function() {
            const moreMonitor = document.getElementById('moreMonitor')
            moreMonitor.onclick = function() {
              that.$router.push({ path: '/video/realMonitor', query: { id: moreMonitor.dataset.id }})
            that.videoPlayer = videojs(document.getElementById('video_' + moreMonitor.dataset.id), {}, function() {
          }, 1000)

      for (var f = 0; f < that.face.length; f++) {
        var markerf = new maptalks.Marker(
          that.face[f].position, // lon and lat in here
          { // 图形样式
            'symbol': {
              'markerFile': require('./../../assets/baseImg/monitor_map.png'),
              'markerWidth': 28,
              'markerHeight': 36,
              'markerDx': 0,
              'markerDy': 0,
              'markerOpacity': 1
          'autoPan': true,
          'width': 485,
          'minHeight': 330,
          'dy': 4,
          'custom': false, // 只使用定制自定义true
          'autoOpenOn': 'click', // set to null if not to open when clicking on marker
          'autoCloseOn': 'click',
          // 支持自定义html内容
          'content': '<div class="content equip-content">' +
            '<div class="pop-video"><video id="video_' + that.face[f].id + '" class="video-js vjs-default-skin vjs-big-play-centered" controls fluid="true" width="485" height="275">' +
            '  <source src="rtmp://" type="rtmp/flv">' +
            '</video></div>' +
            '<div class="pop-bottom">' + that.face[f].name + '<a id="moreMonitor" style="cursor:pointer;" data-id="' + that.face[f].id + '">查看更多<i class="el-icon-arrow-right"></i></a></div>' +
        }).on('mousedown', onClick)
        function onClick(e) {
          setTimeout(function() {
            const moreMonitor = document.getElementById('moreMonitor')
            moreMonitor.onclick = function() {
              that.$router.push({ path: '/video/realMonitor', query: { id: moreMonitor.dataset.id }})
            that.videoPlayer = videojs(document.getElementById('video_' + moreMonitor.dataset.id), {}, function() {
          }, 500)

      for (var c = 0; c < that.car.length; c++) {
        var markerc = new maptalks.Marker(
          that.car[c].position, // lon and lat in here
          { // 图形样式
            'symbol': {
              'markerFile': require('./../../assets/baseImg/car_map.png'),
              'markerWidth': 28,
              'markerHeight': 36,
              'markerDx': 0,
              'markerDy': 0,
              'markerOpacity': 1
          'autoPan': true,
          'width': 485,
          'minHeight': 330,
          'dy': 4,
          'custom': false, // 只使用定制自定义true
          'autoOpenOn': 'click', // set to null if not to open when clicking on marker
          'autoCloseOn': 'click',
          // 支持自定义html内容
          'content': '<div class="content equip-content">' +
            '<div class="pop-video"><video id="video_' + that.car[c].id + '" class="video-js vjs-default-skin vjs-big-play-centered" controls fluid="true" width="485" height="275">' +
            '  <source src="rtmp://" type="rtmp/flv">' +
            '</video></div>' +
            '<div class="pop-bottom">' + that.car[c].name + '<a id="moreMonitor" style="cursor:pointer;" data-id="' + that.car[c].id + '">查看更多<i class="el-icon-arrow-right"></i></a></div>' +
        }).on('mousedown', onClick)
        function onClick(e) {
          setTimeout(function() {
            const moreMonitor = document.getElementById('moreMonitor')
            moreMonitor.onclick = function() {
              that.$router.push({ path: '/video/realMonitor', query: { id: moreMonitor.dataset.id }})
            that.videoPlayer = videojs(document.getElementById('video_' + moreMonitor.dataset.id), {}, function() {
          }, 500)

      for (var i = 0; i < that.fire.length; i++) {
        var markeri = new maptalks.Marker(
          that.fire[i].position, // lon and lat in here
          { // 图形样式
            'symbol': {
              'markerFile': require('./../../assets/baseImg/fire_map.png'),
              'markerWidth': 28,
              'markerHeight': 36,
              'markerDx': 0,
              'markerDy': 0,
              'markerOpacity': 1
          'autoPan': true,
          'width': 485,
          'minHeight': 330,
          'dy': 4,
          'custom': false, // 只使用定制自定义true
          'autoOpenOn': 'click', // set to null if not to open when clicking on marker
          'autoCloseOn': 'click',
          // 支持自定义html内容
          'content': '<div class="content equip-content">' +
            '<div class="pop-video"><video id="video_' + that.fire[i].id + '" class="video-js vjs-default-skin vjs-big-play-centered" controls fluid="true" width="485" height="275">' +
            '  <source src="rtmp://" type="rtmp/flv">' +
            '</video></div>' +
            '<div class="pop-bottom">' + that.fire[i].name + '<a id="moreMonitor" style="cursor:pointer;" data-id="' + that.fire[i].id + '">查看更多<i class="el-icon-arrow-right"></i></a></div>' +
        }).on('mousedown', onClick)
        function onClick(e) {
          setTimeout(function() {
            const moreMonitor = document.getElementById('moreMonitor')
            moreMonitor.onclick = function() {
              that.$router.push({ path: '/video/realMonitor', query: { id: moreMonitor.dataset.id }})
            that.videoPlayer = videojs(document.getElementById('video_' + moreMonitor.dataset.id), {}, function() {
          }, 500)
    // 楼宇上图
    markBuilding() {
      // -5-//多边形悬停,点击事件,同样支持marker
      const that = this
      for (var i = 0; i < that.building.length; i++) {
        var building = new maptalks.Polygon(
          that.building[i].position, // lon and lat in here
          { // 图形样式
            visible: true,
            editable: true,
            cursor: 'pointer',
            shadowBlur: 0,
            shadowColor: 'black',
            draggable: false,
            dragShadow: false, // display a shadow during dragging
            drawOnAxis: null, // force dragging stick on a axis, can be: x, y
            symbol: {
              'lineColor': 'rgba(0,208,223,0.5)',
              'lineWidth': 0,
              'polygonFill': 'rgba(0,208,223,0.5)',
              'polygonOpacity': 0.6
          'autoPan': true,
          'width': 410,
          'minHeight': 190,
          'dy': 4,
          'custom': false, // 只使用定制自定义true
          'autoOpenOn': 'click', // set to null if not to open when clicking on marker
          'autoCloseOn': 'click',
          // 支持自定义html内容
          'content': '<div class="content build-content">' +
            '<div class="pop-img"><img src="https://timgsa.baidu.com/timg?image&quality=80&size=b9999_10000&sec=1542365932900&di=615c41113e473f04a66bafe71fd39d6e&imgtype=0&src=http%3A%2F%2Fpic.ynshangji.com%2F00user%2Fproduct0_13%2F2014-2-11%2F354395-16103365.jpg"/><p class="pop-name"><span class="text-ellipsis" title="' + that.building[i].name + '">' + that.building[i].name + '</span><a id="viewDetial" data-id="' + that.building[i].id + '">详情<i class="el-icon-arrow-right"></i></a></p></div>' +
            '<div class="pop-txt"><ul><li>入驻企业:87 家 </li><li>登记人员:56 家 </li><li>今日访客:30 人 </li><li>登记车辆:67 辆 </li><li>实时人数:392 人 </li><li>监控点位:87 个 </li><li>人脸门禁:16 个 </li><li>消防设施:188 个</li></ul></div>' +
        }).on('mousedown', onClick)
        function onClick(e) {
          setTimeout(function() {
            const viewDetial = document.getElementById('viewDetial')
            viewDetial.onclick = function() {
              that.$router.push({ path: '/building/index', query: { id: viewDetial.dataset.id }})
          }, 500)
      // 鼠标悬移,支持多种事件。。。
      building.on('mouseenter', function(e) {
        // update markerFill to highlight
          'polygonFill': 'rgb(135,196,240)'
      }).on('mouseout', function(e) {
        // reset color
          'polygonFill': 'rgba(0,208,223,0.5)'
    // 自定义区域上图
    markCustom() {
      // -5-//多边形悬停,点击事件,同样支持marker
      const that = this
      for (var i = 0; i < that.custom.length; i++) {
        var custom = new maptalks.Polygon(
          that.custom[i].position, // lon and lat in here
          { // 图形样式
            visible: true,
            editable: true,
            cursor: 'pointer',
            shadowBlur: 0,
            shadowColor: 'black',
            draggable: false,
            dragShadow: false, // display a shadow during dragging
            drawOnAxis: null, // force dragging stick on a axis, can be: x, y
            symbol: {
              'lineColor': 'rgba(0,208,223,0.5)',
              'lineWidth': 0,
              'polygonFill': 'rgba(0,208,223,0.5)',
              'polygonOpacity': 0.6
          'autoPan': true,
          'width': 330,
          'minHeight': 220,
          'dy': 4,
          'custom': false, // 只使用定制自定义true
          'autoOpenOn': 'click', // set to null if not to open when clicking on marker
          'autoCloseOn': 'click',
          // 支持自定义html内容
          'content': '<div class="content custom-content">' +
            '<div class="pop-img"><img src="https://timgsa.baidu.com/timg?image&quality=80&size=b9999_10000&sec=1542365932900&di=615c41113e473f04a66bafe71fd39d6e&imgtype=0&src=http%3A%2F%2Fpic.ynshangji.com%2F00user%2Fproduct0_13%2F2014-2-11%2F354395-16103365.jpg"/><p class="pop-name"><span class="text-ellipsis" title="' + that.custom[i].name + '">' + that.custom[i].name + '</span><a  id="viewDetial" data-id="' + that.custom[i].id + '">详情<i class="el-icon-arrow-right"></i></a></p></div>' +
            '<div class="pop-txt"><ul><li>值班人员:刘佳慧  </li><li>值班电话:17778098789 </li></ul></div>' +
        }).on('mousedown', onClick)
        function onClick(e) {
          setTimeout(function() {
            const viewDetial = document.getElementById('viewDetial')
            viewDetial.onclick = function() {
              that.$router.push({ path: '/building/index', query: { id: viewDetial.dataset.id }})
          }, 500)
      // 鼠标悬移,支持多种事件。。。
      custom.on('mouseenter', function(e) {
        // update markerFill to highlight
          'polygonFill': 'rgb(135,196,240)'
      }).on('mouseout', function(e) {
        // reset color
          'polygonFill': 'rgba(0,208,223,0.5)'
    // 飞行视角定位到某地点
    changeView(center) {
        zoom: 18,
        center: center
      }, {
        duration: 1000

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