

那又是什么时候需要在单个pod上部署多个container呢:只有在一个主进程需要多个补充进程时,才会在一个pod上部署多个这样的关联紧密的container。比如一个pod 中的main container提供一个certain file directory的web server,然后需要另一个container去定时下载资源并存进这个web server的directory里面。



  • Do they need to be run together or can they run on different hosts?
  • Do they represent a single whole or are they independent components?
  • Must they be scaled together or individually?


对于在pod上运行的单个app,可以通过port forwarding的方式来对外开放服务。





node labels 和node label selectors可以帮助你让你在部署app到pod到哪个node时加上你想要的配置文件,里面可以包含你所需要的各类要求。


kubernetes还提供了namespace来groups objects into namespace,这个namespace和之前的linux里的namespace不同(用于分离进程),Kubernetes namespaces provide a scope for objects names. Instead of having all your resources in one single namespace, you can split them into multiple name-spaces, which also allows you to use the same resource names multiple times (across different namespaces).


比如namespace可以用来区分production,development,和QA environments等,可以用来group资源,同一个资源可以在不同namespace中。


If several users or groups of users are using the same Kubernetes cluster, and they each manage their own distinct set of resources, they should each use their own namespace. This way, they don’t need to take any special care not to inadvertently modify or delete the other users’ resources and don’t need to concern themselves with name conflicts, because namespaces provide a scope for resource names, as has already been mentioned.


