spring cloud服务发现注解之@EnableDiscoveryClient与@EnableEurekaClient
spring cloud服务发现注解之@EnableDiscoveryClient与@EnableEurekaClient在之前的一篇文章Spring Cloud feign使用中在使用服务发现的时候提到了两种注解,一种为@EnableDiscoveryClient,一种为@EnableEurekaClient,用法上基本一致,今天就来讲下两者,下文是从stackoverflow上面找到的对这两者
spring cloud服务发现注解之@EnableDiscoveryClient与@EnableEurekaClient
在之前的一篇文章Spring Cloud feign使用中在使用服务发现的时候提到了两种注解,一种为@EnableDiscoveryClient,一种为@EnableEurekaClient,用法上基本一致,今天就来讲下两者,下文是从stackoverflow上面找到的对这两者的解释:
There are multiple implementations of "Discovery Service" (eureka, consul, zookeeper). @EnableDiscoveryClient lives in spring-cloud-commons and picks the implementation on the classpath. @EnableEurekaClient lives in spring-cloud-netflix and only works for eureka. If eureka is on your classpath, they are effectively the same.
原文地址为:What’s the difference between EnableEurekaClient and EnableDiscoveryClient?
意思也就是spring cloud中discovery service有许多种实现(eureka、consul、zookeeper等等),@EnableDiscoveryClient基于spring-cloud-commons, @EnableEurekaClient基于spring-cloud-netflix。
* Convenience annotation for clients to enable Eureka discovery configuration
* (specifically). Use this (optionally) in case you want discovery and know for sure that
* it is Eureka you want. All it does is turn on discovery and let the autoconfiguration
* find the eureka classes if they are available (i.e. you need Eureka on the classpath as
* well).
* @author Dave Syer
* @author Spencer Gibb
public @interface EnableEurekaClient {