Docker源码解读:1.flag解读我是怎么想到要先看docker中的flag呢,就是因为docker采用了c/s结构,而且daemon和client都是用同一个程序的,因此,为了做出区分,肯定是要用参数来区分的。先来看位于./docker/docker/docker.go下面的main函数代码:func main() {/
func main() {
if reexec.Init() {
// Set terminal emulation based on platform as required.
stdin, stdout, stderr := term.StdStreams()
flag.Merge(flag.CommandLine, clientFlags.FlagSet, commonFlags.FlagSet)
flag.Usage = func() {
fmt.Fprint(os.Stdout, "Usage: docker [OPTIONS] COMMAND [arg...]\n"+daemonUsage+" docker [ --help | -v | --version ]\n\n")
fmt.Fprint(os.Stdout, "A self-sufficient runtime for containers.\n\nOptions:\n")
help := "\nCommands:\n"
for _, cmd := range dockerCommands {
help += fmt.Sprintf(" %-10.10s%s\n",, cmd.description)
help += "\nRun 'docker COMMAND --help' for more information on a command."
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "%s\n", help)
if *flVersion {
//创建一个docker client
clientCli := client.NewDockerCli(stdin, stdout, stderr, clientFlags)
// TODO: remove once `-d` is retired
if *flHelp {
// if global flag --help is present, regardless of what other options and commands there are,
// just print the usage.
c := cli.New(clientCli, daemonCli)
if err := c.Run(flag.Args()...); err != nil {
if sterr, ok := err.(cli.StatusError); ok {
if sterr.Status != "" {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, sterr.Status)
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
import (
flag ""
// Value is the interface to the dynamic value stored in a flag.
// (The default value is represented as a string.)
// If a Value has an IsBoolFlag() bool method returning true,
// the command-line parser makes -name equivalent to -name=true
// rather than using the next command-line argument.
type Value interface {
String() string
Set(string) error
// A Flag represents the state of a flag.
type Flag struct {
Names []string // name as it appears on command line
Usage string // help message
Value Value // value as set
DefValue string // default value (as text); for usage message
// A FlagSet represents a set of defined flags. The zero value of a FlagSet
// has no name and has ContinueOnError error handling.
type FlagSet struct {
// Usage is the function called when an error occurs while parsing flags.
// The field is a function (not a method) that may be changed to point to
// a custom error handler.
Usage func()
ShortUsage func()
name string
parsed bool
actual map[string]*Flag
formal map[string]*Flag
args []string // arguments after flags
errorHandling ErrorHandling //type ErrorHandling int output io.Writer // nil means stderr; use Out() accessor
nArgRequirements []nArgRequirement
type nArgRequirement struct {
Type nArgRequirementType //type nArgRequirementType int N int
func Parse() {
// Ignore errors; CommandLine is set for ExitOnError.
var ErrHelp = errors.New("flag: help requested")
var ErrRetry = errors.New("flag: retry")
const (
ContinueOnError ErrorHandling = iota
ExitOnError //1
PanicOnError //2
const (
Exact nArgRequirementType = iota
Max //1
Min //2
type float64Value float64
func newFloat64Value(val float64, p *float64) *float64Value {
*p = val
return (*float64Value)(p)
func (f *float64Value) Set(s string) error {
v, err := strconv.ParseFloat(s, 64)
*f = float64Value(v)
return err
func (f *float64Value) Get() interface{} { return float64(*f) }
func (f *float64Value) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("%v", *f) }
// Name returns the name of the FlagSet.
func (fs *FlagSet) Name() string {
// Out returns the destination for usage and error messages.
func (fs *FlagSet) Out() io.Writer {
if fs.output == nil {
return os.Stderr
return fs.output
// SetOutput sets the destination for usage and error messages.
// If output is nil, os.Stderr is used.
func (fs *FlagSet) SetOutput(output io.Writer) {
fs.output = output
// VisitAll visits the flags in lexicographical order, calling fn for each.
// It visits all flags, even those not set.
func (fs *FlagSet) VisitAll(fn func(*Flag)) {
for _, flag := range sortFlags(fs.formal) {
// Visit visits the flags in lexicographical order, calling fn for each.
// It visits only those flags that have been set.
func (fs *FlagSet) Visit(fn func(*Flag)) {
for _, flag := range sortFlags(fs.actual) {
// Lookup returns the Flag structure of the named flag, returning nil if none exists.
func (fs *FlagSet) Lookup(name string) *Flag {
return fs.formal[name]
// IsSet indicates whether the specified flag is set in the given FlagSet
func (fs *FlagSet) IsSet(name string) bool {
return fs.actual[name] != nil
// Require adds a requirement about the number of arguments for the FlagSet.
// The first parameter can be Exact, Max, or Min to respectively specify the exact,
// the maximum, or the minimal number of arguments required.
// The actual check is done in FlagSet.CheckArgs().
func (fs *FlagSet) Require(nArgRequirementType nArgRequirementType, nArg int) {
fs.nArgRequirements = append(fs.nArgRequirements, nArgRequirement{nArgRequirementType, nArg})
// CheckArgs uses the requirements set by FlagSet.Require() to validate
// the number of arguments. If the requirements are not met,
// an error message string is returned.
func (fs *FlagSet) CheckArgs() (message string) {
for _, req := range fs.nArgRequirements {
var arguments string
if req.N == 1 {
arguments = "1 argument"
} else {
arguments = fmt.Sprintf("%d arguments", req.N)
str := func(kind string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%q requires %s%s",, kind, arguments)
switch req.Type {
case Exact:
if fs.NArg() != req.N {
return str("")
case Max:
if fs.NArg() > req.N {
return str("a maximum of ")
case Min:
if fs.NArg() < req.N {
return str("a minimum of ")
return ""
// Set sets the value of the named flag.
func (fs *FlagSet) Set(name, value string) error {
flag, ok := fs.formal[name]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("no such flag -%v", name)
if err := flag.Value.Set(value); err != nil {
return err
if fs.actual == nil {
fs.actual = make(map[string]*Flag)
fs.actual[name] = flag
return nil
// FlagCount returns the number of flags that have been defined.
func (fs *FlagSet) FlagCount() int { return len(sortFlags(fs.formal)) }
// FlagCountUndeprecated returns the number of undeprecated flags that have been defined.
func (fs *FlagSet) FlagCountUndeprecated() int {
count := 0
for _, flag := range sortFlags(fs.formal) {
for _, name := range flag.Names {
if name[0] != '#' {
return count
// NFlag returns the number of flags that have been set.
func (fs *FlagSet) NFlag() int { return len(fs.actual) }
// Arg returns the i'th argument. Arg(0) is the first remaining argument
// after flags have been processed.
func (fs *FlagSet) Arg(i int) string {
if i < 0 || i >= len(fs.args) {
return ""
return fs.args[i]
// NArg is the number of arguments remaining after flags have been processed.
func (fs *FlagSet) NArg() int { return len(fs.args) }
// Args returns the non-flag arguments.
func (fs *FlagSet) Args() []string { return fs.args }
func (fs *FlagSet) Var(value Value, names []string, usage string) {
// Remember the default value as a string; it won't change.
flag := &Flag{names, usage, value, value.String()}
for _, name := range names {
name = strings.TrimPrefix(name, "#")
_, alreadythere := fs.formal[name]
if alreadythere {
var msg string
if == "" {
msg = fmt.Sprintf("flag redefined: %s", name)
} else {
msg = fmt.Sprintf("%s flag redefined: %s",, name)
fmt.Fprintln(fs.Out(), msg)
panic(msg) // Happens only if flags are declared with identical names
if fs.formal == nil {
fs.formal = make(map[string]*Flag)
fs.formal[name] = flag
func (fs *FlagSet) StringVar(p *string, names []string, value string, usage string) {
fs.Var(newStringValue(value, p), names, usage)
func (fs *FlagSet) String(names []string, value string, usage string) *string {
p := new(string)
fs.StringVar(p, names, value, usage)
return p
// parseOne parses one flag. It reports whether a flag was seen.
func (fs *FlagSet) parseOne() (bool, string, error) {
if len(fs.args) == 0 {
return false, "", nil
s := fs.args[0]
if len(s) == 0 || s[0] != '-' || len(s) == 1 {
return false, "", nil
//形如'--不接任何字符串' 这种格式也是错误的,其实这里不算是错误,只是把把单纯的'--'格式给过滤掉了
if s[1] == '-' && len(s) == 2 { // "--" terminates the flags
fs.args = fs.args[1:]
return false, "", nil
name := s[1:] //得到flag的下一个字符
if len(name) == 0 || name[0] == '=' {
return false, "", fs.failf("bad flag syntax: %s", s)
// it's a flag. does it have an argument?
fs.args = fs.args[1:] //将指针移动到下一个flag
hasValue := false
value := ""
if i := strings.Index(name, "="); i != -1 {
value = trimQuotes(name[i+1:])
hasValue = true
name = name[:i]
m := fs.formal
flag, alreadythere := m[name] // BUG
if !alreadythere {
if name == "-help" || name == "help" || name == "h" { // special case for nice help message.
return false, "", ErrHelp
if len(name) > 0 && name[0] == '-' {
return false, "", fs.failf("flag provided but not defined: -%s", name)
return false, name, ErrRetry
if fv, ok := flag.Value.(boolFlag); ok && fv.IsBoolFlag() { // special case: doesn't need an arg
if hasValue {
if err := fv.Set(value); err != nil {
return false, "", fs.failf("invalid boolean value %q for -%s: %v", value, name, err)
} else {
fv.Set("true") //咩有值的情况就设置为true
} else {
// It must have a value, which might be the next argument.
if !hasValue && len(fs.args) > 0 {
// value is the next arg
hasValue = true
value, fs.args = fs.args[0], fs.args[1:]
if !hasValue {
return false, "", fs.failf("flag needs an argument: -%s", name)
if err := flag.Value.Set(value); err != nil {
return false, "", fs.failf("invalid value %q for flag -%s: %v", value, name, err)
if fs.actual == nil {
fs.actual = make(map[string]*Flag)
fs.actual[name] = flag
for i, n := range flag.Names {
if n == fmt.Sprintf("#%s", name) {
replacement := ""
for j := i; j < len(flag.Names); j++ {
if flag.Names[j][0] != '#' {
replacement = flag.Names[j]
if replacement != "" {
fmt.Fprintf(fs.Out(), "Warning: '-%s' is deprecated, it will be replaced by '-%s' soon. See usage.\n", name, replacement)
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(fs.Out(), "Warning: '-%s' is deprecated, it will be removed soon. See usage.\n", name)
return true, "", nil
func (fs *FlagSet) Parse(arguments []string) error {
fs.parsed = true
fs.args = arguments
for {
seen, name, err := fs.parseOne()
if seen {
if err == nil {
if err == ErrRetry {
if len(name) > 1 {
err = nil
for _, letter := range strings.Split(name, "") {
fs.args = append([]string{"-" + letter}, fs.args...)
seen2, _, err2 := fs.parseOne()
if seen2 {
if err2 != nil {
err = fs.failf("flag provided but not defined: -%s", name)
if err == nil {
} else {
err = fs.failf("flag provided but not defined: -%s", name)
switch fs.errorHandling {
case ContinueOnError:
return err
case ExitOnError:
case PanicOnError:
return nil
func Merge(dest *FlagSet, flagsets ...*FlagSet) error {
for _, fset := range flagsets {
for k, f := range fset.formal {
if _, ok := dest.formal[k]; ok {
var err error
if == "" {
err = fmt.Errorf("flag redefined: %s", k)
} else {
err = fmt.Errorf("%s flag redefined: %s",, k)
fmt.Fprintln(fset.Out(), err.Error())
// Happens only if flags are declared with identical names
switch dest.errorHandling {
case ContinueOnError:
return err
case ExitOnError:
case PanicOnError:
newF := *f //flag
newF.Value = mergeVal{f.Value, k, fset}
dest.formal[k] = &newF
return nil
var CommandLine = NewFlagSet(os.Args[0], ExitOnError)
func Parse() {
// Ignore errors; CommandLine is set for ExitOnError.