##Eureka Client configuration for Eureka Service

# Properties based configuration for eureka client that is part of the eureka server.
# Similar eureka-client.properties configs can be used for the entire eureka ecosystem (i.e. for both the
# eureka servers as well as registering webapps), with minimal changes to application specific properties
# (see below for these).
# The properties specified here is mostly what the users need to change.
# All of these can be specified as a java system property with -D option (eg)-Deureka.region=us-east-1

## -----------------------------------------------------
## The below properties are application specific.
## Each new application should set these as appropriate.
## -----------------------------------------------------

# Region where the application is deployed.
# - for AWS specify one of the AWS regions
# - for other datacenters specify a arbitrary string indicating the region.
#   This is normally specified as a -D option (eg) -Deureka.region=us-east-1
# - 对于AWS指定一个AWS区域
#  - 对于其他数据中心,指定一个指示该区域的任意字符串。
# 这里主要指定美国东部D

# Name of the application to be identified by other services (in this case, it is the eureka service itself)

# Virtual host name by which the clients identifies this service (in this case, it is the eureka service itself)

# The port where the service will be identified and will be serving requests

# Set to false as this config is for the eureka client in the eureka server itself.
# The eureka clients running in eureka server needs to connect to servers in other zones.
# For other applications this should not be set (default to true) for better zone based load balancing.

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## The below properties govern how clients should connect to eureka servers.
## In general these can be the same for all clients in the same eureka ecosystem.
## 一般来说,这些对于同一个eureka系统的所有客户来说都是一样的。
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Change this if you want to use a DNS based lookup for determining other eureka servers (see example below)

# Since shouldUseDns is false, we use the following properties to explicitly specify the route to the eureka servers

# for the eureka server's own client config, set on-demand update to false as it may be too quick for the REST
# resource initialization

# the default eureka server application context is /eureka/v2 if deployed with eureka.war
# Set this property for custom application context.

## -----------------------
## AWS deployment examples
## 亚马逊云服务计算平台 部署例子

# for AWS deployments, availability zones can be specified to take advantage of eureka client zone affinity by
# specifying the following configurations.
# for example, if the deployment is in us-east-1 and the available zones are us-east-1a, us-east-1b and us-east-1c,

# define the region

# notice that the region is specified as part of the config name

# "eurekaServerPort" is whatever port your eureka servers are configured with

# If shouldUseDns is set to true, the below is an example of how to configure eureka client to route to eureka servers,
# assuming for example your DNS records are setup thus:
# txt record: txt.mycompany.eureka.mydomain.com => "server1address" "server2address" "server3address"
#txt记录: txt.mycompany.eureka.mydomain.com => "server1address" "server2address" "server3address"


