in this article, three point should be marked, first is the gen_server, then State, final call and cast.

first gen_server:


%% API


%% internal callbacks


-define(SERVER, ?MODULE).

start_link() ->
  gen_server:start_link({local, ?SERVER}, ?MODULE, [], []).

init([]) ->

{ok, dict:new()}.

create_account(name, PIN) ->

gen_server:cast(?SERVER, {create, name, PIN}).

handler_cast({create, Name, PIN}, State) ->

{noreply, dict:store(Name, {PIN,0}, State)};

above is the complete min server model

when application is start, start will called first, start_new_game is a open api for user to start a new game app.

eggs_service:start_game is the final call for start the game. 

run -> send data to game server.

if the game client pass data through inet, the code should be 



