
上图是一个下单接口的链路,在链路中首先要理解的概念是Segment,Segment表示一个JVM进程内的所有操作,上图中有6个Segment。Gateway Segment是Mall Segment的parent,通过parent关系就可以把多个Segment按顺序拼起来组装成一个链路











 * The <code>DistributedTraceId</code> presents a distributed call chain.
 * <p>
 * This call chain has a unique (service) entrance,
 * <p>
 * such as: Service : http://www.skywalking.com/cust/query, all the remote, called behind this service, rest remote, db
 * executions, are using the same <code>DistributedTraceId</code> even in different JVM.
 * 在一条链路中(Trace),无论请求分布于多少不同的进程中,这个TraceId都不会改变
 * <p>
 * The <code>DistributedTraceId</code> contains only one string, and can NOT be reset, creating a new instance is the
 * only option.
public abstract class DistributedTraceId {
    private final String id;



public class PropagatedTraceId extends DistributedTraceId {
    public PropagatedTraceId(String id) {


public class NewDistributedTraceId extends DistributedTraceId {
    public NewDistributedTraceId() {


 * 生成唯一ID
 * TraceId SegmentId
public final class GlobalIdGenerator {
    private static final String PROCESS_ID = UUID.randomUUID().toString().replaceAll("-", "");
    private static final ThreadLocal<IDContext> THREAD_ID_SEQUENCE = ThreadLocal.withInitial(
        () -> new IDContext(System.currentTimeMillis(), (short) 0));

    private GlobalIdGenerator() {

     * 生成一个新的id由三部分组成
     * Generate a new id, combined by three parts.
     * <p>
     * 第一部分表示应用实例的id
     * The first one represents application instance id.
     * <p>
     * 第二部分表示线程id
     * The second one represents thread id.
     * <p>
     * 第三部分包含两部分,一个毫秒级的时间戳+一个当前线程里的序号(0-9999不断循环)
     * The third one also has two parts, 1) a timestamp, measured in milliseconds 2) a seq, in current thread, between
     * 0(included) and 9999(included)
     * @return unique id to represent a trace or segment
    public static String generate() {
        return StringUtil.join(



public final class GlobalIdGenerator {

    private static final ThreadLocal<IDContext> THREAD_ID_SEQUENCE = ThreadLocal.withInitial(
        () -> new IDContext(System.currentTimeMillis(), (short) 0));

    private static class IDContext {
        // 上次生成sequence的时间戳
        private long lastTimestamp;
        // 线程的序列号
        private short threadSeq;

        // Just for considering time-shift-back only.
        // 时钟回拨
        private long lastShiftTimestamp;
        private int lastShiftValue;

        private IDContext(long lastTimestamp, short threadSeq) {
            this.lastTimestamp = lastTimestamp;
            this.threadSeq = threadSeq;

        private long nextSeq() {
            // 时间戳 * 10000 + 线程的序列号
            return timestamp() * 10000 + nextThreadSeq();

        private long timestamp() {
            long currentTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis();

            if (currentTimeMillis < lastTimestamp) { // 发生了时钟回拨
                // Just for considering time-shift-back by Ops or OS. @hanahmily 's suggestion.
                if (lastShiftTimestamp != currentTimeMillis) {
                    lastShiftTimestamp = currentTimeMillis;
                return lastShiftValue;
            } else { // 时钟正常
                lastTimestamp = currentTimeMillis;
                return lastTimestamp;

        private short nextThreadSeq() {
            if (threadSeq == 10000) {
                threadSeq = 0;
            return threadSeq++;



 * {@link TraceSegment} is a segment or fragment of the distributed trace. See https://github.com/opentracing/specification/blob/master/specification.md#the-opentracing-data-model
 * A {@link TraceSegment} means the segment, which exists in current {@link Thread}. And the distributed trace is formed
 * by multi {@link TraceSegment}s, because the distributed trace crosses multi-processes, multi-threads. <p>
 * Trace不是一个具体的数据模型,而是多个Segment串起来表示的逻辑对象
public class TraceSegment {
     * 每个segment都有一个全局唯一的id
     * The id of this trace segment. Every segment has its unique-global-id.
    private String traceSegmentId;

     * 指向当前segment的parent segment的指针
     * 对于大部分RPC调用,ref只会包含一个元素.但如果是批处理或者是消息队列,就会有多个parents,这里时候只会保存第一个引用
     * The refs of parent trace segments, except the primary one. For most RPC call, {@link #ref} contains only one
     * element, but if this segment is a start span of batch process, the segment faces multi parents, at this moment,
     * we only cache the first parent segment reference.
     * <p>
     * 这个字段不会被序列化.为了快速访问整条链路保存了parent的引用
     * This field will not be serialized. Keeping this field is only for quick accessing.
    private TraceSegmentRef ref;
  • traceSegmentId:每个Segment都有一个全局唯一的Id
  • ref:指向当前Segment的Parent Segment的指针


public class TraceSegmentRef {
    private SegmentRefType type; // segment类型:跨进程或跨线程
    private String traceId;
    private String traceSegmentId; // parent segmentId
    private int spanId; // parent segment spanId
    private String parentService; // Mall -> Order 对于Order服务来讲,parentService就是Mall
    private String parentServiceInstance; // parentService的具体一个实例
    private String parentEndpoint; // 进入parentService的那个请求
    private String addressUsedAtClient;
    public enum SegmentRefType {
public class TraceSegment {
     * The spans belong to this trace segment. They all have finished. All active spans are hold and controlled by
     * "skywalking-api" module.
     * 保存segment中所有的span
    private List<AbstractTracingSpan> spans;
     * The <code>relatedGlobalTraceId</code> represent the related trace. Most time it related only one
     * element, because only one parent {@link TraceSegment} exists, but, in batch scenario, the num becomes greater
     * than 1, also meaning multi-parents {@link TraceSegment}. But we only related the first parent TraceSegment.
     * 当前segment所在trace的id
    private DistributedTraceId relatedGlobalTraceId;
  • spans:保存Segment中所有的Span
  • relatedGlobalTraceId:当前Segment所在Trace的Id


public class TraceSegment {
     * 创建一个空的trace segment,生成一个新的segment id
     * Create a default/empty trace segment, with current time as start time, and generate a new segment id.
    public TraceSegment() {
        this.traceSegmentId = GlobalIdGenerator.generate();
        this.spans = new LinkedList<>();
        this.relatedGlobalTraceId = new NewDistributedTraceId();
        this.createTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

     * 设置当前segment的parent segment
     * Establish the link between this segment and its parents.
     * @param refSegment {@link TraceSegmentRef}
    public void ref(TraceSegmentRef refSegment) {
        if (null == ref) {
            this.ref = refSegment;

     * 将当前segment关联到某一条trace上
     * Establish the line between this segment and the relative global trace id.
    public void relatedGlobalTrace(DistributedTraceId distributedTraceId) {
        if (relatedGlobalTraceId instanceof NewDistributedTraceId) {
            this.relatedGlobalTraceId = distributedTraceId;

     * 添加span
     * After {@link AbstractSpan} is finished, as be controller by "skywalking-api" module, notify the {@link
     * TraceSegment} to archive it.
    public void archive(AbstractTracingSpan finishedSpan) {

     * Finish this {@link TraceSegment}. <p> return this, for chaining
    public TraceSegment finish(boolean isSizeLimited) {
        this.isSizeLimited = isSizeLimited;
        return this;


public class Config {

    public static class Agent {

         * The max number of spans in a single segment. Through this config item, SkyWalking keep your application
         * memory cost estimated.
        public static int SPAN_LIMIT_PER_SEGMENT = 300;





 * Span能够使用这些API来激活并扩展它的生命周期跨线程
 * Span could use these APIs to active and extend its lift cycle across thread.
 * <p>
 * 这个典型的使用是在异步插件,尤其是RPC插件
 * This is typical used in async plugin, especially RPC plugins.
public interface AsyncSpan {
     * The span finish at current tracing context, but the current span is still alive, until {@link #asyncFinish}
     * called.
     * <p>
     * This method must be called
     * <p>
     * 1. In original thread(tracing context). 2. Current span is active span.
     * <p>
     * During alive, tags, logs and attributes of the span could be changed, in any thread.
     * <p>
     * The execution times of {@link #prepareForAsync} and {@link #asyncFinish()} must match.
     * @return the current span
    AbstractSpan prepareForAsync();

     * Notify the span, it could be finished.
     * <p>
     * The execution times of {@link #prepareForAsync} and {@link #asyncFinish()} must match.
     * @return the current span
    AbstractSpan asyncFinish();


 * AbstractSpan定义了Span的骨架
 * The <code>AbstractSpan</code> represents the span's skeleton, which contains all open methods.
public interface AbstractSpan extends AsyncSpan {
     * Set the component id, which defines in {@link ComponentsDefine}
     * 指定当前span表示的操作发生在哪个插件上
     * @return the span for chaining.
    AbstractSpan setComponent(Component component);

     * 指定当前span表示的操作所在的插件属于哪一种skywalking划分的类型
     * @param layer
     * @return
    AbstractSpan setLayer(SpanLayer layer);


public enum SpanLayer {
    DB(1), RPC_FRAMEWORK(2), HTTP(3), MQ(4), CACHE(5);
public  AbstractSpan extends AsyncSpan {
     * span上打标签
    AbstractSpan tag(AbstractTag<?> tag, String value);

     * 记录异常,时间使用当前本地时间
     * Record an exception event of the current walltime timestamp.
     * wallTime:挂钟时间,本地时间
     * serverTime:服务器时间
     * @param t any subclass of {@link Throwable}, which occurs in this span.
     * @return the Span, for chaining
    AbstractSpan log(Throwable t);
     * 是否是entry span
     * @return true if the actual span is an entry span.
    boolean isEntry();

     * 是否是exit span
     * @return true if the actual span is an exit span.
    boolean isExit();

     * 记录指定时间发生的事件
     * Record an event at a specific timestamp.
     * @param timestamp The explicit timestamp for the log record.
     * @param event     the events
     * @return the Span, for chaining
    AbstractSpan log(long timestamp, Map<String, ?> event);

     * Sets the string name for the logical operation this span represents.
     * 如果当前span的操作是:
     *    一个http请求,那么operationName就是请求的url
     *    一条sql语句,那么operationName就是sql
     *    一个redis操作,那么operationName就是redis命令
     * @return this Span instance, for chaining
    AbstractSpan setOperationName(String operationName);
     * Start a span.
     * @return this Span instance, for chaining
    AbstractSpan start();

     * Get the id of span
     * @return id value.
    int getSpanId();

    String getOperationName();

     * Reference other trace segment.
     * @param ref segment ref
    void ref(TraceSegmentRef ref);

    AbstractSpan start(long startTime);

     * 什么叫peer,就是对端地址
     * 一个请求可能跨多个进程,操作多种中间件,那么每一次RPC,对面的服务的地址就是remotePeer
     *                                    每一次中间件的操作,中间件的地址就是remotePeer
     * @param remotePeer
     * @return
    AbstractSpan setPeer(String remotePeer);  




 * The <code>AbstractTracingSpan</code> represents a group of {@link AbstractSpan} implementations, which belongs a real
 * distributed trace.
public abstract class AbstractTracingSpan implements AbstractSpan {
     * span id从0开始
     * Span id starts from 0.
    protected int spanId;
     * parent span id从0开始.-1代表没有parent span
     * Parent span id starts from 0. -1 means no parent span.
    protected int parentSpanId;
     * span上的tag
    protected List<TagValuePair> tags;
    protected String operationName;
    protected SpanLayer layer;
     * The span has been tagged in async mode, required async stop to finish.
     * 表示当前异步操作是否已经开始
    protected volatile boolean isInAsyncMode = false;
     * The flag represents whether the span has been async stopped
     * 表示当前异步操作是否已经结束
    private volatile boolean isAsyncStopped = false;

     * The context to which the span belongs
     * TracingContext用于管理一条链路上的segment和span
    protected final TracingContext owner;

     * The start time of this Span.
    protected long startTime;
     * The end time of this Span.
    protected long endTime;
     * Error has occurred in the scope of span.
    protected boolean errorOccurred = false;

    protected int componentId = 0;

     * Log is a concept from OpenTracing spec. https://github.com/opentracing/specification/blob/master/specification.md#log-structured-data
    protected List<LogDataEntity> logs;

     * The refs of parent trace segments, except the primary one. For most RPC call, {@link #refs} contains only one
     * element, but if this segment is a start span of batch process, the segment faces multi parents, at this moment,
     * we use this {@link #refs} to link them.
     * 用于当前span指定自己所在的segment的前一个segment,除非这个span所在的segment是整条链路上的第一个segment
    protected List<TraceSegmentRef> refs;
     * Finish the active Span. When it is finished, it will be archived by the given {@link TraceSegment}, which owners
     * it.
     * span结束的时候,添加到TraceSegment的spans中
     * @param owner of the Span.
    public boolean finish(TraceSegment owner) {
        this.endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        return true;











public class TomcatInvokeInterceptor implements InstanceMethodsAroundInterceptor {

    public void beforeMethod(EnhancedInstance objInst, Method method, Object[] allArguments, Class<?>[] argumentsTypes,
                             MethodInterceptResult result) throws Throwable {
        Request request = (Request) allArguments[0];
        ContextCarrier contextCarrier = new ContextCarrier();

        CarrierItem next = contextCarrier.items();
        while (next.hasNext()) {
            next = next.next();

        // 创建EntrySpan
        AbstractSpan span = ContextManager.createEntrySpan(request.getRequestURI(), contextCarrier);
        Tags.URL.set(span, request.getRequestURL().toString());
        Tags.HTTP.METHOD.set(span, request.getMethod());

        if (TomcatPluginConfig.Plugin.Tomcat.COLLECT_HTTP_PARAMS) {
            collectHttpParam(request, span);


public abstract class AbstractMethodInterceptor implements InstanceMethodsAroundInterceptor {
    public void beforeMethod(EnhancedInstance objInst, Method method, Object[] allArguments, Class<?>[] argumentsTypes,
                             MethodInterceptResult result) throws Throwable {

        Boolean forwardRequestFlag = (Boolean) ContextManager.getRuntimeContext().get(FORWARD_REQUEST_FLAG);
         * Spring MVC plugin do nothing if current request is forward request.
         * Ref: https://github.com/apache/skywalking/pull/1325
        if (forwardRequestFlag != null && forwardRequestFlag) {

        String operationName;
        if (SpringMVCPluginConfig.Plugin.SpringMVC.USE_QUALIFIED_NAME_AS_ENDPOINT_NAME) {
            operationName = MethodUtil.generateOperationName(method);
        } else {
            EnhanceRequireObjectCache pathMappingCache = (EnhanceRequireObjectCache) objInst.getSkyWalkingDynamicField();
            String requestURL = pathMappingCache.findPathMapping(method);
            if (requestURL == null) {
                requestURL = getRequestURL(method);
                pathMappingCache.addPathMapping(method, requestURL);
                requestURL = pathMappingCache.findPathMapping(method);
            operationName = getAcceptedMethodTypes(method) + requestURL;

        Object request = ContextManager.getRuntimeContext().get(REQUEST_KEY_IN_RUNTIME_CONTEXT);

        if (request != null) {
            StackDepth stackDepth = (StackDepth) ContextManager.getRuntimeContext().get(CONTROLLER_METHOD_STACK_DEPTH);

            if (stackDepth == null) {
                final ContextCarrier contextCarrier = new ContextCarrier();

                if (IN_SERVLET_CONTAINER && HttpServletRequest.class.isAssignableFrom(request.getClass())) {
                    final HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest = (HttpServletRequest) request;
                    CarrierItem next = contextCarrier.items();
                    while (next.hasNext()) {
                        next = next.next();

                    // 创建EntrySpan
                    AbstractSpan span = ContextManager.createEntrySpan(operationName, contextCarrier);
                    Tags.URL.set(span, httpServletRequest.getRequestURL().toString());
                    Tags.HTTP.METHOD.set(span, httpServletRequest.getMethod());

                    if (SpringMVCPluginConfig.Plugin.SpringMVC.COLLECT_HTTP_PARAMS) {
                        RequestUtil.collectHttpParam(httpServletRequest, span);

                    if (!CollectionUtil.isEmpty(SpringMVCPluginConfig.Plugin.Http.INCLUDE_HTTP_HEADERS)) {
                        RequestUtil.collectHttpHeaders(httpServletRequest, span);
                } else if (ServerHttpRequest.class.isAssignableFrom(request.getClass())) {
                    final ServerHttpRequest serverHttpRequest = (ServerHttpRequest) request;
                    CarrierItem next = contextCarrier.items();
                    while (next.hasNext()) {
                        next = next.next();

                    // 创建EntrySpan
                    AbstractSpan span = ContextManager.createEntrySpan(operationName, contextCarrier);
                    Tags.URL.set(span, serverHttpRequest.getURI().toString());
                    Tags.HTTP.METHOD.set(span, serverHttpRequest.getMethodValue());

                    if (SpringMVCPluginConfig.Plugin.SpringMVC.COLLECT_HTTP_PARAMS) {
                        RequestUtil.collectHttpParam(serverHttpRequest, span);

                    if (!CollectionUtil.isEmpty(SpringMVCPluginConfig.Plugin.Http.INCLUDE_HTTP_HEADERS)) {
                        RequestUtil.collectHttpHeaders(serverHttpRequest, span);
                } else {
                    throw new IllegalStateException("this line should not be reached");

                stackDepth = new StackDepth();
                ContextManager.getRuntimeContext().put(CONTROLLER_METHOD_STACK_DEPTH, stackDepth);
            } else {
                AbstractSpan span = ContextManager.createLocalSpan(buildOperationName(objInst, method));










  1. 在一个TraceSegment里面只能存在一个EntrySpan
  2. 后面的插件复用前面插件创建的EntrySpan时会覆盖掉前面插件设置的Span信息
  3. EntrySpan记录的信息永远是最靠近服务提供侧的信息



 * StackBasedTracingSpan是一个内部具有栈结构的Span
 * The <code>StackBasedTracingSpan</code> represents a span with an inside stack construction.
 * <p>
 * 这种类型的Span可以启动和关闭多次在一个类似栈的执行流程中
 * This kind of span can start and finish multi times in a stack-like invoke line.
public abstract class StackBasedTracingSpan extends AbstractTracingSpan {
    protected int stackDepth;
    public boolean finish(TraceSegment owner) {
        if (--stackDepth == 0) {
            return super.finish(owner);
        } else {
            return false;



 * The <code>EntrySpan</code> represents a service provider point, such as Tomcat server entrance.
 * <p>
 * It is a start point of {@link TraceSegment}, even in a complex application, there maybe have multi-layer entry point,
 * the <code>EntrySpan</code> only represents the first one.
 * <p>
 * But with the last <code>EntrySpan</code>'s tags and logs, which have more details about a service provider.
 * <p>
 * Such as: Tomcat Embed - Dubbox The <code>EntrySpan</code> represents the Dubbox span.
public class EntrySpan extends StackBasedTracingSpan {

    private int currentMaxDepth;

    public EntrySpan(int spanId, int parentSpanId, String operationName, TracingContext owner) {
        super(spanId, parentSpanId, operationName, owner);
        this.currentMaxDepth = 0;

     * Set the {@link #startTime}, when the first start, which means the first service provided.
     * EntrySpan只会由第一个插件创建,但是后面的插件复用EntrySpan时都要来调用一次start方法
     * 因为每一个插件都认为自己是第一个创建这个EntrySpan的
    public EntrySpan start() {
        // currentMaxDepth = stackDepth = 1时,才调用start方法记录启动时间
        if ((currentMaxDepth = ++stackDepth) == 1) {
        // 复用span时清空之前插件记录的span信息
        return this;

    public EntrySpan tag(String key, String value) {
        // stackDepth = currentMaxDepth时,才记录span信息
        if (stackDepth == currentMaxDepth || isInAsyncMode) {
            super.tag(key, value);
        return this;

    public AbstractTracingSpan setLayer(SpanLayer layer) {
        if (stackDepth == currentMaxDepth || isInAsyncMode) {
            return super.setLayer(layer);
        } else {
            return this;

    public AbstractTracingSpan setComponent(Component component) {
        if (stackDepth == currentMaxDepth || isInAsyncMode) {
            return super.setComponent(component);
        } else {
            return this;

    public AbstractTracingSpan setOperationName(String operationName) {
        if (stackDepth == currentMaxDepth || isInAsyncMode) {
            return super.setOperationName(operationName);
        } else {
            return this;

    public EntrySpan log(Throwable t) {
        return this;

    public boolean isEntry() {
        return true;

    public boolean isExit() {
        return false;

    private void clearWhenRestart() {
        this.componentId = DictionaryUtil.nullValue();
        this.layer = null;
        this.logs = null;
        this.tags = null;



SkyWalking8.7.0源码分析(如果你对SkyWalking Agent源码感兴趣的话,强烈建议看下该教程)


