
The port that the service is exposed on the service’s cluster ip (virsual ip). Port is the service port which is accessed by others with cluster ip.

即,这里的port表示:service暴露在cluster ip上的端口,<cluster ip>:port 是提供给集群内部客户访问service的入口。


On top of having a cluster-internal IP, expose the service on a port on each node of the cluster (the same port on each node). You'll be able to contact the service on any<nodeIP>:nodePortaddress. So nodePort is alse the service port which can be accessed by the node ip by others with external ip.

首先,nodePort是kubernetes提供给集群外部客户访问service入口的一种方式(另一种方式是LoadBalancer),所以,<nodeIP>:nodePort 是提供给集群外部客户访问service的入口。


The port on the pod that the service should proxy traffic to.




When a client connects to the VIP the iptables rule kicks in, and redirects the packets to the serviceproxy's own port (random port). The service proxy chooses a backend, and starts proxying traffic from the client to the backend. This means that service owers can choose any port they want without risk of collision.The same basic flow executes when traffic comes in through a nodePort or through a LoadBalancer, though in those cases the client IP does get altered.


