C++ STL:vector和list
STL 描述:C++标准模块库是一个提供了公共编程数据结构和函数的模板类集合,如双连接表(list),配对数组(map),可扩展数组(vector),大串的存储操作(rope)等。STL库可以从http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/ 获取。STL可以分为以下几类:容器类:顺序容器:vector:动态数组变量,结构体或对象。可以插入在末尾插入
STL 描述:
C++标准模块库是一个提供了公共编程数据结构和函数的模板类集合,如双连接表(list),配对数组(map),可扩展数组(vector),大串的存储操作(rope)等。STL库可以从http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/ 获取。
- 容器类:
- 顺序容器:
- vector:动态数组变量,结构体或对象。可以插入在末尾插入数据,支持快速随机访问。
- deque: 支持在数组的前面和后面插入元素,双端队列。
- list: 基于链表的变量、结构或对象。可以在任何地方插入和删除元素。支持快速插入、删除。
- 关联容器:
- set (不允许有重复元素在set中), multiset (可以有重复元素): 平衡二叉树结构有序的数据的集合,能快速搜索。
- map (唯一keys), multimap (允许重复keys): 关联键 - 值对的平衡二叉树结构。
- 容器适配器:
- stack LIFO 栈
- queue FIFO 队列
- priority_queue 返回最高优先级的元素,优先级队列
- 字符串:
- string:字符串及其操作
- rope: 字符串存储和操作
- bitset: 直观的存储位和操作位。
- 顺序容器:
- 泛型算法:
- 迭代器iterator: 代表容器中的位置,一个迭代器定义为一个容器类类型。
- 算法algorithm: 提供查找,计数,搜索容器中的元素的类。
- 智能指针auto_ptr: 关联内存指针避免内存泄露的类。
STL vector:
vector<int> ivec;
vector<int > vec2(ivec);
vector c (iter.begin,iter.end);
vecotr<int > c(5,0);
vector<int> c(5);
example 1: 用vector存储STL strings,并且用三种方法类访问vector中的元素:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
vector<string> SS;
SS.push_back("The number is 10");
SS.push_back("The number is 20");
SS.push_back("The number is 30");
cout << "Loop by index:" << endl;
int ii;
for(ii=0; ii < SS.size(); ii++) //第一种方法访问
cout << SS[ii] << endl;
cout << endl << "Constant Iterator:" << endl;
vector<string>::const_iterator cii;
for(cii=SS.begin(); cii!=SS.end(); cii++)//第二种方法
cout << *cii << endl;
cout << endl << "Reverse Iterator:" << endl;
vector<string>::reverse_iterator rii;
for(rii=SS.rbegin(); rii!=SS.rend(); ++rii)// 第三种方法
cout << *rii << endl;
cout << endl << "Sample Output:" << endl;
cout << SS.size() << endl;
cout << SS[2] << endl;
swap(SS[0], SS[2]);
cout << SS[2] << endl;
example 2:vector二维数组
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
// 声明二维数组的大型并且初始化
vector< vector<int> > vI2Matrix(3, vector<int>(2,0));
vI2Matrix[0][0] = 0;
vI2Matrix[0][1] = 1;
vI2Matrix[1][0] = 10;
vI2Matrix[1][1] = 11;
vI2Matrix[2][0] = 20;
vI2Matrix[2][1] = 21;
cout << "Loop by index:" << endl;
int ii, jj;
for(ii=0; ii < 3; ii++)
for(jj=0; jj < 2; jj++)
cout << vI2Matrix[ii][jj] << endl;
example 3
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
// Vector length of 3 initialized to 0
vector<int> vI1Matrix(3,0);
// Vector length of 4 initialized to hold another
// vector vI1Matrix which has been initialized to 0
vector< vector<int> > vI2Matrix(4, vI1Matrix);
// Vector of length 5 containing two dimensional vectors
vector< vector< vector<int> > > vI3Matrix(5, vI2Matrix);
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
vector< vector< vector<int> > > vI3Matrix(2, vector< vector<int> > (3, vector<int>(4,0)) );
for(int kk=0; kk<4; kk++)
for(int jj=0; jj<3; jj++)
for(int ii=0; ii<2; ii++)
cout << vI3Matrix[ii][jj][kk] << endl;
example 4: 对二维vector使用迭代器
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
vector< vector<int> > vI2Matrix; // 声明二维数组
vector<int> A, B;
vector< vector<int> >::iterator iter_ii;
vector<int>::iterator iter_jj;
cout << endl << "Using Iterator:" << endl;
for(iter_ii=vI2Matrix.begin(); iter_ii!=vI2Matrix.end(); iter_ii++)
for(iter_jj=(*iter_ii).begin(); iter_jj!=(*iter_ii).end(); iter_jj++)
cout << *iter_jj << endl;
方法/操作 描述 vector<T> v; 声明一个数据类型为 "T"的vector变量v. vector<T> v(size_type n); 声明一个大小为n,包含数据类型T的vector变量 vector<T> v(size_type n,const T& t); 声明一个大小为n,包含数据类型为T,元素的值为t的vector变量
Declaration: vector(size_type n, const T& t)vector<T> v(begin_iterator,end_iterator); 从迭代器开始位置到结束位置拷贝一个vector
Declaration: template vector(InputIterator, InputIterator)
Size 方法/操作:
Method/operator | Description |
empty() | Returns bool (true/false). True if empty. Declaration: bool empty() const |
size() | Number of elements of vector. Declaration: size_type size() const |
resize(n, t=T()) | Adjust by adding or deleting elements of vector so that its size is "n". Declaration: void resize(n, t = T()) |
capacity() | Max number of elements of vector before reallocation. Declaration: size_type capacity() const |
reserve(size_t n) | Max number of elements of vector set to "n" before reallocation. Declaration: void reserve(size_t) |
max_size() | Max number of elements of vector possible. Declaration: size_type max_size() const |
Method/operator | Description |
erase() clear() | Erase all elements of vector. Declaration: void clear() |
erase(iterator) erase(begin_iterator,end_iterator) | Erase element of vector. Returns iterator to next element. Erase element range of vector. Returns iterator to next element. Declarations:
= Example: X=Y() | Assign/copy entire contents of one vector into another. Declaration: vector& operator=(const vector&) |
< | Comparison of one vector to another. Declaration: bool operator<(const vector&, const vector&) |
== | Returns bool. True if every element is equal. Declaration: bool operator==(const vector&, const vector&) |
at(index) v[index] | Element of vector. Left and Right value assignment: v.at(i)=e; and e=v.at(i); Declaration: reference operator[](size_type n) |
front() v[0] | First element of vector. (Left and Right value assignment.) Declaration: reference front() |
back() | Last element of vector. (Left and Right value assignment.) Declaration: reference back() |
push_back(const T& value) | Add element to end of vector. Declaration: void push_back(const T&) |
pop_back() | Remove element from end of vector. Declaration: void pop_back() |
assign(size_type n,const T& t) | Assign first n elements a value "t". |
assign(begin_iterator,end_iterator) | Replace data in range defined by iterators. Declaration: |
insert(iterator, const T& t) | Insert at element "iterator", element of value "t". Declaration: iterator insert(iterator pos, const T& x) |
insert(iterator pos, size_type n, const T& x) | Starting before element "pos", insert first n elements of value "x". Declaration: void insert(iterator pos, size_type n, const T& x) |
insert(iterator pos, begin_iterator,end_iterator) | Starting before element "pos", insert range begin_iterator to end_iterator. Declaration: void insert(iterator pos, InputIterator f, InputIterator l) |
swap(vector& v2) | Swap contents of two vectors. Declaration: void swap(vector&) |
Method/operator | Description |
begin() | Return iterator to first element of vector. Declaration: const_iterator begin() const |
end() | Return iterator to end of vector (not last element of vector but past last element) Declaration: const_iterator end() const |
rbegin() | Return iterator to first element of vector (reverse order). Declaration: const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const |
rend() | Return iterator to end of vector (not last element but past last element) (reverse order). Declaration: const_reverse_iterator rend() const |
++ | Increment iterator. |
-- | Decrement iterator. |
STL list:
- 第一个为数据类型为int
- 第二个为类实例
// Standard Template Library example
#include <iostream>
#include <list>
using namespace std;
list<int> L;
L.push_back(0); // Insert a new element at the end
L.push_front(0); // Insert a new element at the beginning
L.insert(++L.begin(),2); // Insert "2" before position of first argument
// (Place before second argument)
list<int>::iterator i;
for(i=L.begin(); i != L.end(); ++i) cout << *i << " ";
cout << endl;
return 0;
a. 复制构造函数
#include <iostream>
#include <list>
using namespace std;
// STL list需要重载 operators =, == and <.
class AAA
friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &, const AAA &);
int x;
int y;
float z;
AAA(const AAA &);
AAA &operator=(const AAA &rhs);
int operator==(const AAA &rhs) const;
int operator<(const AAA &rhs) const;
AAA::AAA() // 构造函数
x = 0;
y = 0;
z = 0;
AAA::AAA(const AAA &in) // 复制构造函数,传值
x = copyin.x;
y = copyin.y;
z = copyin.z;
ostream &operator<<(ostream &output, const AAA &aaa)
output << aaa.x << ' ' << aaa.y << ' ' << aaa.z << endl;
return output;
AAA& AAA::operator=(const AAA &rhs)
this->x = rhs.x;
this->y = rhs.y;
this->z = rhs.z;
return *this;
int AAA::operator==(const AAA &rhs) const
if( this->x != rhs.x) return 0;
if( this->y != rhs.y) return 0;
if( this->z != rhs.z) return 0;
return 1;
//该函数是为了让STL list支持sort
int AAA::operator<(const AAA &rhs) const
if( this->x == rhs.x && this->y == rhs.y && this->z < rhs.z) return 1;
if( this->x == rhs.x && this->y < rhs.y) return 1;
if( this->x < rhs.x ) return 1;
return 0;
list<AAA> L;
AAA Ablob ;
L.push_back(Ablob); // 在末尾插入一个新元素
L.push_back(Ablob); // 传值,用默认的拷贝构造函数
list<AAA>::iterator i;
for(i=L.begin(); i != L.end(); ++i) cout << (*i).x << " "; // print member
cout << endl;
for(i=L.begin(); i != L.end(); ++i) cout << *i << " "; // print with overloaded operator
cout << endl;
cout << "Sorted: " << endl;
for(i=L.begin(); i != L.end(); ++i) cout << *i << " "; // print with overloaded operator
cout << endl;
return 0;
7 5 5 3 7 2 4.2355 5 2 4.2355 5 2 3.2355 3 7 7.2355 Sorted: 3 7 7.2355 5 2 3.2355 5 2 4.2355 7 2 4.2355
STL vector 和 list 函数比较:
Function | vector | list |
constructor | yes | yes |
destructor | yes | yes |
empty() | yes | yes |
size() | yes | yes |
resize() | yes | yes |
capacity() | yes | no |
reserve() | yes | no |
max_size() | yes | yes |
erase() | yes | yes |
clear() | yes | yes |
operator= | yes | yes |
operator< | yes | yes |
operator== | yes | yes |
operator[] | yes | no |
at() | yes | no |
front() | yes | yes |
back() | yes | yes |
push_back() | yes | yes |
pop_back() | yes | yes |
assign() | yes | yes |
insert() | yes | yes |
swap() | yes | yes |
push_front() | no | yes |
pop_front() | no | yes |
merge() | no | yes |
remove() | no | yes |
remove_if() | no | yes |
reverse() | no | yes |
sort() | no | yes |
splice() | no | yes |
unique() | no | yes |