下面将分享一个用css和javascript模拟手写明信片的动画效果。在写信的过程中,当笔变干的时候 , 会自动的去浸入墨水;当写错了字,怎么办?没关系,他会划掉重新写。嘿嘿。强大把,现在我们一起来看看他的实现方法以及效果。







A man named Grant once foi|und a box of old Papers in his dwelling||||||||house. Grant didn't like old things. So he burned most of the papers. But one of these papers was a letter. He read it. A well-known writer had written it.

'About a million|||||||hundred years ago nobody know about him|||this writer,' thought Grant. 'Nobody read his books. But now everybody reads him. Some people like to buy old letters. I can get a lot of money for this letter.'

But the letter looked dirty. So Grant decided to wash |||||clean it. He worked hard and soon the letter looked new. Grant was not|||||||was very happy.

He took the letter to a shop in London where they bought and sold old papers. 'I want to sell this letter,' Grant said to the man in shop. 'It is a well-known writer's letter. How much will you give me for it?'

The man looked at the letter for a long time. 'I'll give you two pounds for it,' he said at last.

'Only two pounds!' said Grant. 'But people pay ten pounds for old letters. And I have even cleaned it.'

'I can see that,' said the man. 'That's the mistake. People who buy old papers like dirty papers more than clean papers.'


body {

background: url('bg.jpg') no-repeat center center fixed;

-webkit-background-size: cover;

-moz-background-size: cover;

-o-background-size: cover;

background-size: cover;


#inkwell1 {

bottom: 100px;

left: 140px;

position: fixed;


#inkwell2 {

bottom: 100px;

left: 140px;

position: fixed;

visibility: hidden;


#letter {

font-family: Comic Sans MS;

font-size: 18px;

font-weight: bold;

margin: 50px auto;

position: relative;

width: 75%;


#letter_src {

display: none;



window.onload = function(){

// public variables

var vLetter = document.getElementById('letter');

var iSpeedInk = 5;

// other variables

var sText = document.getElementById('letter_src').innerHTML;

var iCurChar = 0;

var sChars = '';

var iCurInk = 0;

var sCurCaret = '';

var sCaret = " pen.gif";

var doStep = function () {

// current char

var sChar = sText.charAt(iCurChar);

// default char delay

var iDelay = 32;

if (sChar == '') {

sCurCaret = '';

} else if (sChar == '|') { // we use | symbol to emulate 'error' symbol

sChar = '';

sChars = sChars.substring(0, sChars.length-1);

iDelay = 64;

} else if (sChar == '

var iPos = sText.indexOf('>', iCurChar);

sChar = sText.substring(iCurChar, iPos + 1);

iCurChar = iPos;

} else if (sChar == '&') { // pass html entities

var iPos = sText.indexOf(';', iCurChar);

sChar = sText.substring(iCurChar, iPos + 1);

iCurChar = iPos;

} else if (sChar == '.') { // custom delay in case of . symbol

iDelay = 300;

} else if (sChar == ',') { // custom delay in case of , symbol

iDelay = 100;

} else if (sChar == ' ') { // custom delay in case of space symbol

iDelay = 32;

} else if (iCurChar > 5) {

sCurCaret = sCaret;


// expenditure of ink

if (sChar == ' ') {

iCurInk += iSpeedInk;

sChar = '' + sChar;


if (document.getElementById('inkwell2').style.visibility == 'visible') {

sCurCaret = sCaret;

document.getElementById('inkwell2').style.visibility = 'hidden';

sChar = '' + sChar;


// refresh Ink

if (iCurInk > 160) {

iCurInk = 0;

document.getElementById('inkwell2').style.visibility = 'visible';

iDelay = 1000;

sCurCaret = '';


// add current char to chars

sChars += sChar;

// hide the caret at the end of the letter

if (iCurChar == sText.length - 1)

sCurCaret = '';

// update letter with new chars

vLetter.innerHTML = sChars + sCurCaret;

// goto next char


// next step

if (iCurChar < sText.length) {

setTimeout(doStep, 20 + iDelay);







