

基本安装比较简单,都是使用pip install进行应用安装。


pip install robotframework-ride

    Running setup.py install for wxpython ... error
    ERROR: Command errored out with exit status 1:
     command: 'd:\programfiles\python\python39\python.exe' -u -c 'import io, os, sys, setuptools, tokenize; sys.argv[0] = '"'"'C:\\Users\\lixiang\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\pip-install-x8x2_mh9\\wxpython_4df37eab90754ac789782b9759972ea8\\setup.py'"'"'; __file__='"'"'C:\\Users\\lixiang\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\pip-install-x8x2_mh9\\wxpython_4df37eab90754ac789782b9759972ea8\\setup.py'"'"';f = getattr(tokenize, '"'"'open'"'"', open)(__file__) if os.path.exists(__file__) else io.StringIO('"'"'from setuptools import setup; setup()'"'"');code = f.read().replace('"'"'\r\n'"'"', '"'"'\n'"'"');f.close();exec(compile(code, __file__, '"'"'exec'"'"'))' install --record 'C:\Users\lixiang\AppData\Local\Temp\pip-record-xzx8avr2\install-record.txt' --single-version-externally-managed --compile --install-headers 'd:\programfiles\python\python39\Include\wxpython'
         cwd: C:\Users\lixiang\AppData\Local\Temp\pip-install-x8x2_mh9\wxpython_4df37eab90754ac789782b9759972ea8\
    Complete output (33 lines):
    running install
    running build
    Will build using: "d:\programfiles\python\python39\python.exe"
    3.9.4 (tags/v3.9.4:1f2e308, Apr  6 2021, 13:40:21) [MSC v.1928 64 bit (AMD64)]
    Python's architecture is 64bit
    cfg.VERSION: 4.0.7

    Running command: build
    Running command: build_wx
    Command '"d:\programfiles\python\python39\python.exe" -c "import distutils.msvc9compiler as msvc; mc = msvc.MSVCCompiler(); mc.initialize(); print(mc.cc)"' failed with exit code 1.
    Traceback (most recent call last):

      File "<string>", line 1, in <module>

      File "d:\programfiles\python\python39\lib\distutils\msvc9compiler.py", line 371, in initialize

        vc_env = query_vcvarsall(VERSION, plat_spec)

      File "d:\programfiles\python\python39\lib\distutils\msvc9compiler.py", line 260, in query_vcvarsall

        raise DistutilsPlatformError("Unable to find vcvarsall.bat")

    distutils.errors.DistutilsPlatformError: Unable to find vcvarsall.bat
    Finished command: build_wx (0.47s)
    Finished command: build (0.47s)
    WARNING: Building this way assumes that all generated files have been
    generated already.  If that is not the case then use build.py directly
    to generate the source and perform the build stage.  You can use
    --skip-build with the bdist_* or install commands to avoid this
    message and the wxWidgets and Phoenix build steps in the future.

    "d:\programfiles\python\python39\python.exe" -u build.py build
    Command '"d:\programfiles\python\python39\python.exe" -u build.py build' failed with exit code 1.
ERROR: Command errored out with exit status 1: 'd:\programfiles\python\python39\python.exe' -u -c 'import io, os, sys, setuptools, tokenize; sys.argv[0] = '"'"'C:\\Users\\lixiang\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\pip-install-x8x2_mh9\\wxpython_4df37eab90754ac789782b9759972ea8\\setup.py'"'"'; __file__='"'"'C:\\Users\\lixiang\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\pip-install-x8x2_mh9\\wxpython_4df37eab90754ac789782b9759972ea8\\setup.py'"'"';f = getattr(tokenize, '"'"'open'"'"', open)(__file__) if os.path.exists(__file__) else io.StringIO('"'"'from setuptools import setup; setup()'"'"');code = f.read().replace('"'"'\r\n'"'"', '"'"'\n'"'"');f.close();exec(compile(code, __file__, '"'"'exec'"'"'))' install --record 'C:\Users\lixiang\AppData\Local\Temp\pip-record-xzx8avr2\install-record.txt' --single-version-externally-managed --compile --install-headers 'd:\programfiles\python\python39\Include\wxpython' Check the logs for full command output.


其中重点关注“Unable to find vcvarsall.bat”报错,该报错原因通过百度,发现是未找到whl文件,导致报错。

pip install robotframework-ride命令,安装成功。



<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 0.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 3.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 4.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 5.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 6.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 7.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 19.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 20.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 21.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 22.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 25.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 26.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 27.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 28.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 29.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 30.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 31.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 32.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 33.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 34.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 35.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 36.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 37.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 38.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 39.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 40.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 43.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 44.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 45.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 46.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 47.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 48.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 49.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 50.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 51.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 52.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 53.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 54.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 55.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 56.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 57.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 58.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 59.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 60.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 61.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 62.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 63.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 67.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 68.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 69.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 70.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 71.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 13.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 14.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 0.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 3.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 4.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 5.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 6.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 7.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 19.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 20.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 21.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 22.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 25.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 26.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 27.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 28.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 29.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 30.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 31.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 32.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 33.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 34.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 35.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 36.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 37.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 38.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 39.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 40.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 43.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 44.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 45.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 46.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 47.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 48.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 49.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 50.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 51.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 52.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 53.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 54.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 55.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 56.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 57.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 58.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 59.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 60.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 61.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 62.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 63.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 67.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 68.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 69.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 70.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 71.
<class 'robotide.preferences.configobj.UnreprError'> Parse error in value at line 13.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "xxx\python38\lib\site-packages\robotide\application\application.py", line 58, in OnInit
    self.frame = RideFrame(self, self._controller)
  File "xxx\python38\lib\site-packages\robotide\ui\mainframe.py", line 175, in __init__
  File "xxx\python38\lib\site-packages\robotide\ui\mainframe.py", line 279, in _init_ui
    self.tree = Tree(self, self.actions,
  File "xxx\python38\lib\site-packages\robotide\ui\tree.py", line 86, in __init__
    self._images = TreeImageList()
  File "xxx\python38\lib\site-packages\robotide\ui\images.py", line 42, in __init__
    TestCaseController: _TreeImage(self, 'robot.png'),
  File "xxx\python38\lib\site-packages\robotide\ui\images.py", line 80, in __init__
    self.normal = self._get_image(image_list, normal)
  File "xxx\python38\lib\site-packages\robotide\ui\images.py", line 91, in _get_image
    img = wx.Image(path, wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PNG).ConvertToBitmap()
wx._core.wxAssertionError: C++ assertion "strcmp(setlocale(LC_ALL, NULL), "C") == 0" failed at ..\..\src\common\intl.cpp(1579) in wxLocale::GetInfo(): You probably called setlocale() directly instead of using wxLocale and now there is a mismatch between C/C++ and Windows locale.
Things are going to break, please only change locale by creating wxLocale objects to avoid this!
OnInit returned false, exiting...
Error in atexit._run_exitfuncs:
wx._core.wxAssertionError: C++ assertion "GetEventHandler() == this" failed at ..\..\src\common\wincmn.cpp(478) in wxWindowBase::~wxWindowBase(): any pushed event handlers must have been removed


self._initial_locale = wx.Locale(wx.LANGUAGE_ENGLISH)
self.locale = wx.Locale(wx.LANGUAGE_ENGLISH)后,




可通过pip安装:pip install decorator

下载tar.gz包进行安装,需要解压缩,然后,执行安装命令 python setup.py install,等待安装成功即可


pip install selenium

pip install robotframework-selenium2library

pip install –upgrade robotframework-httplibrary

pip install robotframework-requests
pip install -i https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple robotframework-requests

pip install PyMySQL

7、安装DataBase Library库
pip install robotframework-databaselibrary

pip install solrpy


