Android原生项目新建了flutter module,然后引入其他flutter project中的一些依赖,执行flutter pub get 提示:

flutter pub get
Git error. Command: `git fetch`                                         
stderr: fatal: unable to access '': GnuTLS recv error (-110): The TLS connection was non-properly terminated.
exit code: 128                                                          
pub get failed (server unavailable) -- attempting retry 1 in 1 second...
Git error. Command: `git fetch`                                         
stderr: fatal: unable to access '': Failed to connect to port 443: Connection timed out
exit code: 128                                                          
pub get failed (server unavailable) -- attempting retry 2 in 2 seconds...
Running "flutter pub get" in polkawallet...                       267.7s
The plugin `flutter_aes_ecb_pkcs5` is built using an older version of the Android plugin API which assumes that it's running in a full-Flutter environment. It may have undefined behaviors when Flutter is integrated into an existing app as a module.
The plugin can be updated to the v2 Android Plugin APIs by following
The plugin `flutter_qr_scan` is built using an older version of the Android plugin API which assumes that it's running in a full-Flutter environment. It may have undefined behaviors when Flutter is integrated into an existing app as a module.
The plugin can be updated to the v2 Android Plugin APIs by following
The plugin `flutter_webview_plugin` is built using an older version of the Android plugin API which assumes that it's running in a full-Flutter environment. It may have undefined behaviors when Flutter is integrated into an existing app as a module.
The plugin can be updated to the v2 Android Plugin APIs by following


关于 flutter_webview_plugin 可以参考:


