Mink 1.7.0 发布,PHP 浏览器模拟测试工具

发布于 2015-09-21 14:57:29 | 106 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递

Mink 是开源的 PHP 浏览器/控制器 模拟测试工具。Mink 可以模拟 Web 应用和浏览器之间的交互,测试 Web 应用的行为是否正确。

Mink 1.7.0 发布,此版本更新内容如下:


Added Session::getResponseHeader to access a response header easily

Added support for header assertions

Added a forward compatibility layer for drivers to allow them to prepare for Mink 2.0 (they won't require any change if they use it). They should now overwrite CoreDriver::findElementXpaths instead of implementing findand setSession themselves.

Added escaping of the locator in the NamedSelector rather than expecting the caller to perform the escaping. Passing an escaped locator is still supported but deprecated.

Remove the dependency on the Session in expectation exceptions. Passing the session in the exception constructor is now deprecated. The driver should be passed instead.

Bug 修复:

Fixed the URL assertions when comparing paths ending in .php

Silenced deprecation warnings (following the Symfony convention) to make them less invasive. Use the symfony/phpunit-bridge to get them reported when using Mink in your PHPUnit tests.

Fixed NodeElement::hasClass in case the class attribute contains newlines


Made the testsuite compatible with PHPUnit strict timing mode (only the library testsuite, not the driver one)

Added testing against PHP 7

Added testing against lowest version of dependencies to ensure we got the lower bounds right


Added an extra test to ensure the right behavior when getting the HTML with empty elements

Added a few more safeguards to ensure test failures rather than fatal errors for misbehaving drivers

Added a test ensuring that drivers follow recommended practices


Added a few missing deprecation warnings for deprecated APIs or classes.


Mink 1.7.0 发布,PHP 浏览器模拟测试工具

Gitblit 1.7.0 发布,Java 的 Git 管理工具

ChakraCore 1.7.0 发布,微软 Edge 浏览器 JS 引擎

Apache TomEE 1.7.0 发布,Tomcat 企业版

ownCloud Client 1.7.0 发布,支持选择性的同步

swoole 1.7.9 发布,PHP高级Web开发框架

ThinkCMFX 1.6.0 发布, PHP中文内容管理框架

OpenSNS 1.7.5 发布,PHP 开源 SNS 系统

Apache Accumulo 1.7.0 发布,K/V 存储方案

PhalApi 1.2.0 发布,PHP 后台接口开发框架

Docker 1.7.0 发布,Linux 容器引擎

QtAV 1.7.0 发布,跨平台高性能音视频框架


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