通过rek创建k8s集群时,集群状态为Provisioning,并且 UI 显示如下错误信息:

[etcd] Failed to bring up Etcd Plane: etcd cluster is unhealthy: hosts [] failed to report healthy. Check etcd container logs on each host for more information

查看 etcd 日志,显示如下错误信息:

docekr exec -it [容器ID] /bin/bash

2020-05-25 08:43:41.515364 I | embed: ready to serve client requests
2020-05-25 08:43:41.523589 I | embed: serving client requests on [::]:2379
2020-05-25 08:43:41.536538 I | embed: rejected connection from "" (error "tls: failed to verify client's certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority (possibly because of \"crypto/rsa: verification error\" while trying to verify candidate authority certificate \"kube-ca\")", ServerName "")
2020-05-25 08:43:46.545930 I | embed: rejected connection from "" (error "tls: failed to verify client's certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority (possibly because of \"crypto/rsa: verification error\" while trying to verify candidate authority certificate \"kube-ca\")", ServerName "")
2020-05-25 08:43:51.554070 I | embed: rejected connection from "" (error "tls: failed to verify client's certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority (possibly because of \"crypto/rsa: verification error\" while trying to verify candidate authority certificate \"kube-ca\")", ServerName "")
2020-05-25 08:44:34.072012 I | embed: rejected connection from "" (error "EOF", ServerName "")
2020-05-25 08:44:46.520865 I | embed: rejected connection from "" (error "tls: failed to verify client's certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority (possibly because of \"crypto/rsa: verification error\" while trying to verify candidate authority certificate \"kube-ca\")", ServerName "")

以上报错是因为证书的问题,导致 etcd 启动失败。原因主要有两种可能:

  1. 主机时钟不同步
  2. 该主机之前添加过 kubernetes 集群,在残留数据没有清理干净的情况下重新安装集群。


  1. 检查主机时钟,并使各主机时钟同步。
  2. 将主机数据残留数据清理干净,然后再从新添加集群。

