1. 试验电压、绝缘电阻、损耗角正切值、容量允偏差等级参照该型号瓷介电容器标准。

The stardard of the types of ceramic disc capacitor standard.

2. 在对介质损耗角正切值多种在线监测方法进行详细分析的基础上,选中频域分析法。

Based on detailed analysis about dielectric loss measuring methods, the Spectrum Analysis Method is selected.

3. 高压电容型电气设备在变电站中占有相当大的比例,而介质损耗角正切值是反映其绝缘状况的重要参数,因此,研究电容型设备的在线检测方法具有十分重要的意义。

High voltage capacitive-type equipment plays a very important role in power systems, and the dielectric dissipation factor is an important parameter to reflect the insulation condition of power equipment.

4. 介绍了聚酯薄膜横向的热收缩率对电容器充放电后损耗角正切值的影响。

The effects of PET film traverse heat shrinkage rate on loss angle tangent value of capacitor charge-discharge process were introduced.

5. 本文主要讨论介质损耗角正切值的在线监测,研究如何提高介质损耗角正切值的测量稳定性和精度。

In this paper, on-line monitoring of dielectric loss angles tangent was discussed mainly, in order to improve the accuracy and stability of monitoring data of dielectric loss.

6. 损耗角正切值

6. 结果表明:木粉含量、偶联剂和双螺杆挤出机的螺杆转速都对复合材料的存储模量和损耗角正切值有一定影响。

The results showed that: the composites are affected by the wood loading, coupling agent and the rotation speed of the double screw extruder.

7. 结果表明,随着电激励信号频率的增大,果品的电容、电阻以及损耗角正切值均减小;当信号电压小于电压临界值时,果品的各项电参数值基本保持不变,但当信号电压大于该临界值时,随着电压的增大,果品的电容和电阻值减小,损耗角正切急剧增大。

The test results indicate that with the increase of frequency, the capacitance, resistance and losses tangent decrease.

8. 电容型电力设备在变电站中占有相当大的比例,其介质损耗角正切值是反映其绝缘状况的一个重要绝缘参数,因此,研究电容型设备介损在线检技术具有十分重要的意义。

As the capacitive-type equipment plays a very important role in power systems, and dielectric loss is one of the key parameters to evaluate the insulation condition, so it is very important to study the technology of on-line dielectric loss measurement.

9. 研究了液体树脂含量对持粘力的影响,提出损耗角正切最小值及其对应的温度是决定热熔压敏胶持粘力的关键流变学参数。

The effect of liquid resin content on stick is studied, and the fact that loss angle tangent and the corresp...

10. 介绍了利用微带电路来确定一组高性能、高频印刷电路板材料的介电常数和损耗角正切的方法,且给出了一组印刷电路板材料的特性测量值。

The paper introduces measurements about dielectric constant and tangential loss angle of a group of good function and high frequency printed electronic circuit plate with microstrip circuit.

11. GB/T1693-1981硫化橡胶工频介电常数和介质损耗角正切值的测定方法

Vulcanized rubber & Determination for industrial frequency dielectric constant and dielectric loss angular tangent value

12. 当信号电压小于电压临界值时,果品的各项电参数值基本保持不变,但当信号电压大于该临界值时,随着电压的增大,果品的电容和电阻值减小,损耗角正切急剧增大。

When the voltage of signal is less than critical voltage value, each electric parameter keeps constant, while capacitance and resistance decrease and loss tangent increases sharply with increase of voltage when the voltage is bigger than the critical voltage value.

13. 911查询·英语单词

13. 若信号电压小于临界值,苹果的电容、电阻以及损耗角正切值保持不变,若电压大于该值,随着电压的增大,电容和电阻值迅速下降,损耗角正切值急剧增大;

If the voltage is less than the critical value, the capacitance, resistance and loss angle tangent keep constant; if it is bigger than the values, with the increase of voltage, the values of capacitance and resistance decrease rapidly and loss angle tangent increases sharply.

14. 结果表明:木粉含量、偶联剂和双螺杆挤出机的螺杆转速都对复合材料的存储模量(E')和损耗角正切值(tanδ)有一定影响。

The results show that the mechanical properties of composites are affected by wood flour loading, coupling agent and rotation speed of the double screws of extruder.

15. 本文主要讨论介质损耗角正切值(介质损耗因素)的在线监测,研究如何提高介质损耗角正切值的测量稳定性和精度。

In this paper, on-line monitoring of dielectric loss angle's tangent (dielectric loss factor) was discussed mainly, in order to improve the accuracy and stability of monitoring data of dielectric loss.

16. 介电频谱测试表明,纳米氧化锌的加入使复合材料的介电常数降低,但损耗角正切值略微增大。

Dielectric spectrum tests show that nano-make composite dielectric constant reduce, loss tangent value increase.

17. 室温下观察到ASC具有弹性(Solidlike)行为,储能模量G'在测量范围内轻微依赖频率,而损耗模量G〃和损耗角正切tanδ存在最小值。

Solid-like behavior for ASC was observed at room temperature. The storage shear modulus G'demonstrated a slight frequency dependence over the range measured, whereas the loss shear modulus G ″ and loss tangent δ showed a shallow minimum.


