整型数组(byte,int,long,dword)转为 Hex字符串

Byte Array To Hex String


byte GBF_Convert_ByteArrToHexStr(byte rawData[], dword datalen,  char outHexStr[])
    word i;
    word hexLength;
    word byteIndex;
    byte tmpVal;
    byte retVal;
    char tmpStr[gcText10];
    char tmpErrStr[gcText200];
    const byte dataType = 2;
    // Init to failed
    retVal = gcNok;   
    // Reset output array
    for (i = 0; i < elcount(outHexStr); i++)
        outHexStr[i] = 0;
    // get the hex length
    hexLength = datalen * dataType;

    //check that the supplied output array can hold the hex string 
    if ( elcount(outHexStr) <  hexLength )
        snprintf(tmpErrStr, elcount (tmpErrStr), "GBF_ConvertIntArrToHexStr: ERROR: char array to small, Hex Data is %d but outHexStr only contains %d elements!", hexLength, elcount(outHexStr));
        //All checks went fine, convert data
        for (i = 0; i < hexLength; i++)
            // The byte index to use for accessing rawData
            byteIndex = i / dataType;

            tmpVal = ((byte)(rawData[byteIndex] >> (4 * (dataType -1 - (i % dataType))))) & 0x0F;
            // Convert value to a temp string. 
            snprintf( tmpStr, elcount(tmpStr), "%X", tmpVal );
            strncat(outHexStr, tmpStr, elcount(outHexStr));
            if(i % dataType == dataType-1)
              strncat(outHexStr, " ", elcount(outHexStr));
        retVal = gcOk;
    return retVal;


    byte in_int_array[4]={0x10,0x20,0x30,0x40};
    char out_char_array[40];   
    write("out_char_array = %s ",out_char_array);


out_char_array = 10 20 30 40  

Int Array To Hex String


byte GBF_Convert_IntArrToHexStr(int rawData[], dword datalen,  char outHexStr[])
    word i;
    word hexLength;
    word byteIndex;
    byte tmpVal;
    byte retVal;
    char tmpStr[gcText10];
    char tmpErrStr[gcText200];
    const byte dataType = 4;
    // Init to failed
    retVal = gcNok;   
    // Reset output array
    for (i = 0; i < elcount(outHexStr); i++)
        outHexStr[i] = 0;
    // get the hex length
    hexLength = datalen * dataType;

    //check that the supplied output array can hold the hex string 
    if ( elcount(outHexStr) <  hexLength )
        snprintf(tmpErrStr, elcount (tmpErrStr), "GBF_ConvertIntArrToHexStr: ERROR: char array to small, Hex Data is %d but outHexStr only contains %d elements!", hexLength, elcount(outHexStr));
        //All checks went fine, convert data
        for (i = 0; i < hexLength; i++)
            // The byte index to use for accessing rawData
            byteIndex = i / dataType;

            tmpVal = ((byte)(rawData[byteIndex] >> (4 * (dataType -1 - (i % dataType))))) & 0x0F;
            // Convert value to a temp string. 
            snprintf( tmpStr, elcount(tmpStr), "%X", tmpVal );
            strncat(outHexStr, tmpStr, elcount(outHexStr));
            if(i % dataType == dataType-1)
              strncat(outHexStr, " ", elcount(outHexStr));
        retVal = gcOk;
    return retVal;


	int in_int_array[4]={0x1011,0x2022,0x3033,0x4044};
    char out_char_array[20];   
    write("out_char_array = %s ",out_char_array);


CAPL / .NET	out_char_array = 1011 2022 3033 4044 


只要将byte GBF_Convert_ByteArrToHexStr(byte rawData[], dword datalen, char outHexStr[])
改为 byte GBF_Convert_LongArrToHexStr(long rawData[], dword datalen, char outHexStr[])
然后再将const byte dataType = 4;改为 const byte dataType = 8; 即可实现long 整型数组转为hex字符串。

Hex字符串转为 整型数组(byte,int,long,dword)

Hex String To Byte Array


byte GBF_ConvertHexStrToByteArray(char hexRawData[], byte outByteArr[])
   word i;
   word offset;
   word hexLength;
   byte tmpVal;
   byte retVal;
   char tmpErrStr[gcText200];
   byte outdword;
   const byte dataType = 2;
   // Init to failed
   retVal = gcNok;   
   offset = 0;
   //  Reset output 
   outdword = 0;   
   // get the hex length
   hexLength = strlen(hexRawData);
   //remove possible "0x" at the beginning
   if( hexRawData[0] == '0' && hexRawData[1] == 'x' )
      offset = 2;   

   //check that the a dword (4 bytes)  can hold the hex string 
   if ( dataType <  (hexLength - offset)/2 )
      snprintf(tmpErrStr, elcount (tmpErrStr), "GBF_ConvertHexStrToInt: ERROR: Hex Data is %d which is more than a dword can hold!", hexLength);
      write ("Error in GBF_ConvertHexStrToInt: string is: %s",hexRawData);
      retVal = gcOk;
      //All checks went fine, convert data
      for (i = offset; i < hexLength; i++)
		outdword = outdword << 4;   //shift the result    
         // convert the Hex data and validity check it
         tmpVal = (byte)hexRawData[i];
         if (tmpVal >= 0x30 && tmpVal <= 0x39)     //0-9
            tmpVal = tmpVal - 0x30;
         else if(tmpVal >= 'A' && tmpVal <= 'F')   //A-F
            tmpVal = tmpVal - 0x37;
         else if (tmpVal >= 'a' && tmpVal <= 'f')  //a-f
            tmpVal = tmpVal - 0x57;
            snprintf(tmpErrStr, elcount (tmpErrStr), "GBF_ConvertHexStrToInt: ERROR: Invalid Hex data found in Hex string at position %d", i);
            retVal = gcNok;
         outdword = outdword | tmpVal; //one nibble at a time....
        if(i%dataType == dataType-1)
         outByteArr[i/dataType] = outdword;
   return retVal;


    char in_char_array[5]="1234";
    byte out_byte_array[20];   
    write("out_byte_array ={0x%x,0x%x} ",out_byte_array[0],out_byte_array[1]);  


CAPL / .NET	out_byte_array ={0x12,0x34} 

Hex String To Int array


byte GBF_ConvertHexStrToIntArray(char hexRawData[], int outByteArr[])
   word i;
   word offset;
   word hexLength;
   byte tmpVal;
   byte retVal;
   char tmpErrStr[gcText200];
   int outdword;
   const byte dataType = 4;
   // Init to failed
   retVal = gcNok;   
   offset = 0;
   //  Reset output 
   outdword = 0;   
   // get the hex length
   hexLength = strlen(hexRawData);
   //remove possible "0x" at the beginning
   if( hexRawData[0] == '0' && hexRawData[1] == 'x' )
      offset = 2;   

   //check that the a dword (4 bytes)  can hold the hex string 
   if ( dataType <  (hexLength - offset)/2 )
      snprintf(tmpErrStr, elcount (tmpErrStr), "GBF_ConvertHexStrToInt: ERROR: Hex Data is %d which is more than a dword can hold!", hexLength);
      write ("Error in GBF_ConvertHexStrToInt: string is: %s",hexRawData);
      retVal = gcOk;
      //All checks went fine, convert data
      for (i = offset; i < hexLength; i++)
		outdword = outdword << 4;   //shift the result    
         // convert the Hex data and validity check it
         tmpVal = (byte)hexRawData[i];
         if (tmpVal >= 0x30 && tmpVal <= 0x39)     //0-9
            tmpVal = tmpVal - 0x30;
         else if(tmpVal >= 'A' && tmpVal <= 'F')   //A-F
            tmpVal = tmpVal - 0x37;
         else if (tmpVal >= 'a' && tmpVal <= 'f')  //a-f
            tmpVal = tmpVal - 0x57;
            snprintf(tmpErrStr, elcount (tmpErrStr), "GBF_ConvertHexStrToInt: ERROR: Invalid Hex data found in Hex string at position %d", i);
            retVal = gcNok;
         outdword = outdword | tmpVal; //one nibble at a time....
        if(i%dataType == dataType-1)
         outByteArr[i/dataType] = outdword;
   return retVal;


   char in_char_array[9]="12345678";
    int out_byte_array[20];   
    write("out_byte_array ={0x%x,0x%x} ",out_byte_array[0],out_byte_array[1]); 


CAPL / .NET	out_byte_array ={0x1234,0x5678} 


如果是想实现 Hex String To long array ,只需要将byte GBF_ConvertHexStrToIntArray(char hexRawData[], int outByteArr[])改为byte GBF_ConvertHexStrToLongArray(char hexRawData[], long outByteArr[])
int outdword; const byte dataType = 4;改为 long outdword; const byte dataType = 8;


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