185.A shoot-out has erupted between your MS development teams using .NET and your Linuxdevelopment teams using Java. Knowing that your database is in danger, which command would you useto back up
1 查看swap 空间大小(总计): # free -m 默认单位为k, -m 单位为M total used free shared buffers cached Mem: 377 180 197 0
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vi编辑器修改文件.bash_profile可解决backspace出现^H乱码问题: 使用SecureCRT或是pietty_ch连接到一台安装有Oracle DB 的LINUX的机器,linux使用的shell是默认的bash。 在bash提示符下,使用Del键或者Backspace键都能删除光标左右的字符,但是一旦进入sqlplus之后,只能使用Del键来删除光标左侧的字符,使用Ba
Create account 892000 for 2015/12/10 as a cost element in controlling area 1800Message no. KI280出现情况:第三方单独采购采购申请转采购订单DiagnosisAccount 892000 is a profit and loss account. You assigned it to an
469.Which of the following NLS_SORT parameter values would result in case-insensitive andaccent-insensitive binary sorts?A. NLS_SORT = BINARYB. NLS_SORT = BINARY_AIC. NLS_SORT = BINARY_CID.
84.View the Exhibit and examine the Data Pump architecture.Identify the numbered components.A. 1 - Oracle Loader, 2 - Oracle Data Pump, 3 - Direct Path APIB. 1 - Oracle Data Pump, 2 - Direct P