Spring cloud(Euraka Gateway Hystrix) + GitLab(Runner Pipelines) + Docker + K8S(Minikube)
refer : https://blog.csdn.net/javaboy/article/details/81978183Cost two days, encounter many problems, but finally I deploy spring cloud hello world successfully! Including eureka, gateway, hystrix ..
refer : https://blog.csdn.net/javaboy/article/details/81978183
Cost two days, encounter many problems, but finally I deploy spring cloud hello world successfully! Including eureka, gateway, hystrix etc by GitLab ,Docker and K8S docker image!
Of cource , U can use jenkins to replace the function pipelines in GitLab. If having time, I will try it .
Note, the hyperlink use two hosts, but I only use one. My Os Linux : Ubuntu 16.4.
I5 Intel dual core four Thread 1.6GHz , 8 G memory. when U finish the deploy, It is so slowly that U do it waste long time maybe 20~30 minutes to deploy one spring cloud project.
Eureka Server registry Like below!
GitLab projects Like below :
K8S dashboard like below:
test hello world api interface