


容器有三种。瓶子和杯子有最大容量,并且可以倒出也可以倒入。“人”没有最大容量,可以倒出不能倒入。人容纳的酒量大于4的状态就算game over。



// BottleGame.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include "conio.h"

#include <map>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

class CContainer
 int m_nCapability;
 int m_nWeight;
 char* m_pszName;
 CContainer(char *name, int C, int W)
  m_nCapability = C;
  m_nWeight = W;
  m_pszName = name;
 void SetWeight(int w) { m_nWeight = w; }
 int GetWeight(void) { return m_nWeight; }
 int Pour(CContainer* pReceiver)
  int n = GetWeight();
  if (n > pReceiver->GetCapability() - pReceiver->GetWeight())
    n = pReceiver->GetCapability() - pReceiver->GetWeight();
  pReceiver->SetWeight(pReceiver->GetWeight() + n);
  SetWeight(GetWeight() - n);
  return n;
 void UnPour(CContainer* pReceiver, int n)
  pReceiver->SetWeight(pReceiver->GetWeight() - n);
  SetWeight(GetWeight() + n);
 int GetCapability(void) { return m_nCapability; }
 char* GetName(void) { return m_pszName; }
 virtual bool CanPour(void) = 0;
 virtual int GetBits(void) = 0;
 virtual bool Die(void) = 0;

class CBottle : public CContainer
 CBottle(char *name) : CContainer(name, 8, 8)
 virtual bool CanPour(void) { return true; }
 virtual int GetBits(void) { return 4; }
 virtual bool Die(void) { return false; }

class CCup : public CContainer
 CCup(char *name = "cup") : CContainer(name, 3, 0)
 virtual bool CanPour(void) { return true; }
 virtual int GetBits(void) { return 3; }
 virtual bool Die(void) { return false; }

class CMan : public CContainer
 CMan(char *name) : CContainer(name, 100, 0)
 virtual bool CanPour(void) { return false; }
 virtual int GetBits(void) { return 3; }
 virtual bool Die(void) { return GetWeight() > 4; }

enum visited_status {

typedef struct _tagMethod {
 CContainer* pPourer;
 CContainer* pReceiver;
 int n;
} Method;

map<int/*key*/, visited_status> PathArray;
vector<CContainer*> Objs;
Method Methods[100];
int min_steps = 1000;

int get_status_hash(void)
 int n = 0, nLastBits = 0;
 for ( vector<CContainer*>::iterator it = Objs.begin();
  it != Objs.end(); ++it )
  n <<= nLastBits;
  n += (*it)->GetWeight();
  nLastBits = (*it)->GetBits();
 return n;

void dump_all(void)
 for ( vector<CContainer*>::iterator it = Objs.begin();
  it != Objs.end(); ++it )
  printf("%8d", (*it)->GetWeight());

enum MethodResult

enum MethodResult try_method(int level)
 CContainer *pPourer, *pReceiver;

 if (level >= min_steps) return mrOverflow; // exceeded

 if (level >= 300) return mrOverflow;

 int hash;
 map<int, visited_status>::iterator it;

 bool bAllDie = true;
 for ( vector<CContainer*>::iterator itPourer = Objs.begin();
  itPourer != Objs.end(); ++itPourer )
  pPourer = *itPourer;
  if (!pPourer->CanPour()) continue;

  for ( vector<CContainer*>::iterator itReceiver = Objs.begin();
   itReceiver != Objs.end(); ++itReceiver )
   pReceiver = *itReceiver;
   if (pReceiver == pPourer) continue;
   if (pReceiver->GetCapability() == pReceiver->GetWeight()) continue; // full

   int n = pPourer->Pour(pReceiver);

   if (pReceiver->Die())
    pPourer->UnPour(pReceiver, n);

   Methods[level].pPourer = pPourer;
   Methods[level].pReceiver = pReceiver;
   Methods[level].n = n;

   hash = get_status_hash();
   it = PathArray.find(hash);
   if (it != PathArray.end())
    if (it->second == success)
     min_steps = level;
     pPourer->UnPour(pReceiver, n);
     return mrSucceed;
    if (it->second == dead || it->second == visited)
     pPourer->UnPour(pReceiver, n);
     continue; // die

//   dump_all();

   PathArray[hash] = visited;
   switch(try_method(level + 1))
   case mrSucceed:
    if (PathArray[hash] == visited) PathArray.erase(hash);
    pPourer->UnPour(pReceiver, n);
    return mrSucceed;
   case mrDie:
    PathArray[hash] = dead;
   case mrOverflow:
    bAllDie = false;
   if (PathArray[hash] == visited) PathArray.erase(hash);
   pPourer->UnPour(pReceiver, n);
 if (bAllDie)
  hash = get_status_hash();
  PathArray[hash] = dead;
  return mrDie;
 return mrOverflow;

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
 // init
 Objs.push_back(new CBottle("Bottle1"));
 Objs.push_back(new CBottle("Bottle2"));
 Objs.push_back(new CCup("Cup"));
 Objs.push_back(new CMan("A"));
 Objs.push_back(new CMan("B"));
 Objs.push_back(new CMan("C"));
 Objs.push_back(new CMan("D"));

 int hash = (((((4 << 3) + 4) << 3) + 4) << 3) + 4;
 PathArray[hash] = success;
 // try
 enum MethodResult Res = try_method(0);
 // print result
 if (Res == mrSucceed)
  for ( int i = 0; i <= min_steps; i++ )
   printf("%s -> %s : %d/n",

 // clean up
 for ( vector<CContainer*>::iterator it = Objs.begin();
  it != Objs.end(); ++it ) delete (*it);

 printf("/npress any key.../n");
 return 0;


