DevOps is a methodology capturing the practices adopted from the very start by the web giants who had a unique opportunity as well as a strong requirement to invent new ways of working due to the very nature of their business: the need to evolve their systems at an unprecedented pace as well as extend them and their business sometimes on a daily basis.


DevOps is not a question of tools. DevOps is a methodology, a set of principles and practices that help both developers and operators reach their goals while maximizing value delivery to the customers or the users as well as the quality of these deliverables.


The problem comes from the fact that developers and operators - while both required by corporations with large IT departments - have very different objectives.


DevOps consists mostly in extending agile development practices by further streamlining the movement of software change thru the build, validate, deploy and delivery stages, while empowering cross-functional teams with full ownership of software applications - from design thru production support.



DevOps encourages communicationcollaborationintegration and automation among software developers and IT operators in order to improve both the speed and quality of delivering software.

DevOPO鼓励沟通(communication),协作( collaboration),整合( integration)和自动化( automation),以促进软件开发和操作系统的运作,以提高软件的速度和交付的质量。

DevOps teams focus on standardizing development environments and automating delivery processes to improve delivery predictability, efficiency, security and maintainability. The DevOps ideals provide developers more control of the production environment and a better understanding of the production infrastructure. 
DevOps encourages empowering teams with the autonomy to build, validate, deliver and support their own applications.

DevOPs 团队关注标准化的开发环境和自动化交付过程,以提高交付的可预测性、效率、安全和可维护性。DevOps的思想给开发者提供了一个更有效的生产环境,更易于理解的产品基础架构。DevOPs 鼓励增强团队的自治构建、验证、交付和支持他们自己的应用。


So what are the core principles ?




