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I am trying to debug my flutter application on a Pixel 3 connected via USB. I've used a nexus already so i'm just trying a newer Google phone. I have the developer mode on and my surface pro recognizes it but VSCode says no device. Ive gotten this to work with older android phones so i'm not sure what else needs to be set up for it to work.

I've run flutter doctor and it says No devices available.


I have the developer mode on and my surface pro recognizes it but VSCode says no device.

If you are connecting a new device, it is possible that adb is not authorized on device. It is possible that you dismissed/missed the dialog for USB debugging authorization where it shows RSA Key. Go to the Developer options on the phone and click "Revoke USB debugging authorization", then connect your phone again and the dialog should appear:

enter image description here enter image description here

